Feisty White House spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany pushed back against the disgustingly dishonest ‘mainstream media’ during her first press conference since the election, which is still being contested by President Donald Trump’s legal team.

Specifically, she reminded the press weenies that her boss got a lot of grief when he was recognized as the president-elect – which was shortly after the 2016 election because Hillary Clinton’s campaign never contested any results – but he didn’t really have an “orderly transition of power.”

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Her pushback comes following complaints from Joe Biden’s team that after the media declared him president-elect, Trump must now begin the transfer of power (again, before all court cases have been adjudicated).

“We’ve talked a lot about transfer of power and the election. And it’s worth remembering that this president was never given an orderly transition of power,” McEnany said. “His presidency was never accepted. In fact, before the election his election we know Crossfire Hurricane was launched by [former FBI agent] Peter Strzok to pursue baseless allegations about the president’s ties with Russia.”

“And what happened after he was elected, you had 70 lawmakers say we’re not coming to his inauguration. Democratic lawmakers, you had [Massachusetts Sen.] Elizabeth Warren, saying, we’re going to attempt to obstruct the Trump transition by urging the Government Accountability Office to investigate the incoming Trump transition,” she added.

“Many sought to undermine him, discredit him, delegitimize him and deny his victory. There were no calls for unity, there were no calls for healing. So while every legal vote is counted, let us not forget the inexcusable transition, or lack thereof, that President Trump had to endure in 2016, and for years into this presidency,” she added, reminding the Washington press, which really serves as the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party, that they tend to back some pretty nasty politicians.

As for an eventual transfer of power, McEnany noted – again – that Trump has never said he will resist to the end or something similarly stupid.

“The president’s been very clear, he wants every legal vote to be counted,” she said.

“There is ongoing litigation, what we know 74 million Americans have voted for this president and more votes than any president has gotten in history,” she also said at her first press briefing in 49 days. “There are very real claims that the campaign are pursuing.”

But to prove the point the Washington press corps is largely composed of Democrat Party hacks. Playboy correspondent Brian Karem badgered McEnany.

“When will you admit you lost?” he yelled from the rear of the White House Briefing Room. “When will you admit you lost the election?”

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Apparently, this fool wasn’t paying attention. Specifically, that there is “ongoing litigation” linked to “very real claims that the campaign” is pursuing. So, we assume, sometime after these cases are adjudicated.

Which could mean, of course, that vote tallies in some states will be reversed. There’s always that possibility; that is why the Trump camp is filing suit (along with other concerned citizens like attorney Lin Wood and voter integrity organizations).

You’d think even a reporter from Playboy could understand that.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.