White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany is light years ahead in terms of intelligence and preparedness than the dinguses and jackals disguised as ‘reporters’ she must face in the Briefing Room on a near-daily basis.

That is, in part, due to the fact that she’s just a smart woman. But it’s also because the perfumed princes and princesses of the ‘mainstream’ media are about as predictable as Old Faithful at Yellowstone.

During the daily clown show on Tuesday, McEnany was asked by White House Press Corps head and ABC News corresponded Jonathan Karl where President Trump, that rogue beast of a ‘tyrant,’ got his authority to deploy federal agents to the lawless streets of Portland, Ore., where riotous ‘protestors’ have besieged portions of the city for nearly two months.

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“Where in the Constitution does the president derive the authority to send federal law enforcement officers to the streets of American cities against the will of the elected officials in those cities?” Karl asked.

Is he kidding? 

No, unfortunately, he’s not. 

With that, let’s pause for a moment to ask a question ourselves: Can you imagine this Left-wing activist poser asking Barack Obama “where in the Constitution” he got the authority to make people buy health insurance or to unilaterally change immigration law (without Congress) by imposing DACA? 

No, we can’t imagine that, either.

In any event, as usual, McEnany was ready.

She cited 40 U.S. Code 1315, which “gives DHS the ability to deputize officers in any department or agency, like ICE, Customs and Border Patrol and Secret Service as quote ‘officers and agents.'”

“They can be deputized for the duty, in connection to the protection of property owned or occupied by the federal government and persons on that property,” she continued. “When a federal courthouse is being lit on fire and commercial fireworks being shot at it, being shot at the officers I think that falls pretty well within the limits of 40 U.S. Code 1315.”

Not satisfied, Karl followed up with questioning whether President Trump sees any “limitations to that power” and if “that’s a matter of protecting federal property, how far does that power extend to the streets of Portland. What are the limitations of that, the authority to protect it?”

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“Under the law, we believe they can conduct investigations of crimes committed against federal property or federal officers,” McEnany responded. “In the case where you have someone shooting off a commercial-grade firework and then running across the street, we don’t believe that extends past the jurisdiction.”

To summarize, a duly-passed law by a duly-elected Congress and signed by a duly-elected president makes such statutes “constitutional.” That’s the process, and by the way, it’s the same one that Karl’s Marxist allies want to destroy. 

Understand what is at work here. The Leftist media is assisting congressional Democrats in delegitimizing this president’s authority to protect federal property and enforce federal law throughout the country. Like the Confederacy’s Democrats who tore the country apart 160 years ago, their descendants are trying to do the same thing today.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.