Kellyanne Conway went nuclear during an interview on Fox News against the Washington Post for their bizarre headline regarding the death of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

“What was this yesterday from ‘The Washington Post,’ this nonsense?” Conway said during an interview with Fox News host Martha MacCallum. “The media is angry at the president of the United States for getting rid of the world’s worst terrorist. It’s like, who is he to interfere while we’re trying to impeach him?”

Conway was referring to the Washington Post article headline that basically praised the ISIS leader for his religious work. “Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, austere religious scholar at helm of Islamic State, dies at 48″ the Post’s headline read.

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“They went to — the magnitude and the duplicity yesterday of trying to — trying to undercut the commander-in-chief making the order and — and honestly doing something that helped the whole country and the world, freedom-loving people everywhere,” Conway added. “This man was a murderer, a rapist, a terrorist. He was a ringleader, a ruthless terrorist. He deserves a place in hell.”

“But, look, I think — I just want to say this last thing on behalf of the president and the White House. This obituary was a disgrace,” Conway continued.

Conway finished by saying, “And I would ask ‘The Washington Post’, close your eyes and pretend that al-Baghdadi worked in the Trump White House and then go rewrite your obituary. I bet you wouldn’t be as kind.”

WATCH the explosive interview below:

Donald Trump Jr. decided to join in with a tweet where he shredded the Post for their bogus headline.

“With fawning headlines like this about a serial rapist and murderer, is it any wonder that so many people now believe that the mainstream media is full of s***?” Donald Trump Jr. wrote in a tweet. “They’re literally doing PR for a terrorist scumbag. Screw you Wa Po!”

Republican Representative Steve Scalise also joined in, noting how the Washington Post is harder on the President than they are on serial rapists and murders.

“Every day The Washington Post uses harsher words against @realDonaldTrump than they do in writing about one of the world’s most evil terrorists,” Scalise tweeted. “Yet we’re supposed to take them at face value. Let that sink in.”

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