As he has done so often throughout his racist, bigoted political career, Joe Biden shocked millions when he declared during an interview with morning talk radio host Charlamagne Tha God earlier this summer that if African Americans didn’t vote for him, “you ain’t black.”

Most blacks are Democrat voters anyway, so Biden didn’t get a lot of pushback from them.

But not all black Americans are Democrats and those who aren’t were as offended as tens of millions of white people when they heard Biden say what he said.

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One of them is GOP Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron who made history recently by becoming the state’s first black AG.

In an address to the Republican National Convention Tuesday evening, Cameron made it clear that his mind and his political choices and decisions were his and did not automatically belong to Biden or the Democrat Party’s Division of Racial Groupthink.

“I was raised in Kentucky, just a few miles from Abraham Lincoln’s birthplace. Our first Republican president believed in compassion. Self-reliance. Freedom. Equality. And justice,” Cameron began.

“Sadly, there are some who don’t believe in this wisdom or in the better angels of our shared American history, as they tear down the statues of people like Ulysses S. Grant, Frederick Douglas, and even Mr. Lincoln himself,” he continued adding:

Republicans will never turn a blind eye to unjust acts, but neither will we accept this all-out assault on western civilization.

My values were shaped by my faith, and by my parents. I worked at their small coffee shop, meeting people from all walks of life. And I realized something: everyone needs a cup of coffee.

That lesson has stuck with me because, despite our difference, we all want the same things: For our children to have more opportunities than we did; to feel the dignity of work; and to believe that if you play by the rules, you can make a good life for yourself and your family.

So the question is: will we choose the path that gives us the best chance to meet those universal desires? Or will we go backward, to a time when people were treated like political commodities who can’t be trusted to think for themselves?

Noting that he often thinks about how his ancestors struggled for freedom, he also is reminded of “Joe Biden who says, if you aren’t voting for me, ‘you ain’t black.’ Who argued that Republicans would put us ‘back in chains.’ Who says there is no ‘diversity’ of thought in the Black community.

“Mr. Vice President look at me, I am Black. We are not all the same, sir. I am not in chains. My mind is my own. And you can’t tell me how to vote because of the color of my skin,” Cameron noted further.

And yes — Biden actually did say all of those things…and more. 

Noting that he often thinks about how his ancestors struggled for freedom, he also is reminded of “Joe Biden who says, if you aren’t voting for me, ‘you ain’t black.’ Who argued that Republicans would put us ‘back in chains.’ Who says there is no ‘diversity’ of thought in the Black community.

“Mr. Vice President look at me, I am Black. We are not all the same, sir. I am not in chains. My mind is my own. And you can’t tell me how to vote because of the color of my skin,” Cameron noted further.

And yes — Biden actually did say all of those things…and more. 

“Joe Biden is a backwards thinker in a world craving forward-looking leadership. There’s no wisdom in his record or plan, just a trail of discredited ideas and offensive statements,” the AG noted — correctly.

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“The politics of identity, cancellation, and mob rule are not acceptable to me. Republicans trust you to think for yourselves and to pursue your American dream however you see fit.

“Mr. Lincoln said, ‘the dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise to the occasion,'” Cameron said.

“I’ve believe Donald Trump can meet Lincoln’s mandate, even as Joe Biden remains trapped by his own failed record, and by the radicals who dominate his party.”


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.