On Tuesday night, Fox News’ Tucker Carlson released leaked audio of a conversation between Michael Cohen and CNN’s Chris Cuomo in which Cuomo admits there has been sexual assault allegations made against him.

In the transcript (see below), Cuomo says he has been named with other men who have been accused of sexual misconduct by women at ABC.

Here’s the full transcript:

CUOMO: You know, I’m always careful when I talk to media, you know?

COHEN: Right.

CUOMO: Do you know how many [bleep] phone calls I’ve gotten from people at ABC who say that reporters are calling and lying about things they heard about me to try to get stories about me when I was at ABC? Guys calling and saying, I heard he was the Charlie Rose of ABC. He used to invite women to the hotel and open his, you know, bathrobe. Do I look like the kind of [bleep] guy who’s got to do that?

COHEN: Sure, why not? But you’re in —

CUOMO: So I really have a good source that says that he forced one woman to have sex. I just want to know if you’ve ever heard anything like that. There is no woman.

COHEN: Right.

CUOMO: There is none of that. So here’s the problem. Women who do work, they’re saying, oh, yes, you know, some of these men — and naming me with other guys, you know, we bumped on to each other once in the elevator and he put his hand on my shoulder and he made me really uncomfortable.

I mean, what the f**k?

COHEN: It’s a problem. And now you saw —

CUOMO: So, I am careful with the media always. I’ve always told you, the media is not your friend.


Listen to the leaked audio for yourself below:

Trump responded with this tweet, calling for “Fredo” to be fired:

“Will Fredo be fired by Fake News @CNN?” Trump tweeted. “He speaks with great disrespect about women, and it will only get worse. Fredo’s Ratings are bad, so this is the time. Always terrible to speak to sleazebags, especially when you are being recorded. CNN has no choice, Fredo must go!,” Trump tweeted.

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"The Coca Cola company is not happy with me -- that's okay, I'll still keep drinking that garbage" -Donald J. Trump