On Tuesday night, LeBron James’ #1-seeded Lakers got handily defeated by the last-place playoff team, the Portland Trailblazers in game 1 of the NBA playoffs.

Although Portland played poorly for most of the game, Team James was defeated in embarrassing fashion.

After getting punked on the court by a score of 100-93, LeBron James decided to get political after the game by wearing an altered MAGA hat.

Instead of “Make America Great Again”, the “Great Again” text was crossed out and the hat read:

“Make America Arrest the cops who killed Breonna Taylor”

Here’s a picture of LeBron in his hat:

The next obvious question is….

Is this an official Trump campaign hat?

If so, President Trump thanks you for the donation, LeBron!

If it’s NOT an official Trump hat and it’s a cheap Chinese knock-off, then that would fall right in line with James’ values.

He kisses the feet of the Chinese Communist Party every day and he refuses to speak out against the human rights violations made against their own citizens.

In short, LeBron doing something financially beneficial for China would be nothing new.

Concerning the Breonna Taylor situation, I will let TopherTownMusic do the job of exposing the most widely-spread fake news about her death:

What is your response to LeBron James being political in every aspect of the game of basketball?

Comment below….


"The Coca Cola company is not happy with me -- that's okay, I'll still keep drinking that garbage" -Donald J. Trump