Marxist Democrats have finally found a way around those pesky provisions contained in the First Amendment that allow people to say things they don’t like: They’ve developed a movement known as “cancel culture,” which essentially deprives people of their free speech and expression rights without actually taking them away in a legal sense.

Here’s how it works: Someone says or does something Leftist Democrats and their minions don’t agree with or like and their careers, livelihood, and reputations are summarily destroyed with the lesson being to anyone who even thinks about challenging Marxist groupthink to hesitate and keep quiet.

And it just happened to a professor at the University of Missouri.

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Campus Reform provided the details:

Joel Poor, an associate teaching professor at the University of Missouri, was reportedly removed from his teaching role on Monday after a video of him joking with a student was submitted to the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX.

In the video, Poor jokes with a student after he mentions he is from Wuhan, China by saying “Oh, let me get my mask on.”

Before the clip ends, Poor seems to indicate that he is joking and students say that the student at whom the joke was directed was not offended by the joke.

Now, only Democrats and their insane followers object to anyone who correctly notes that the COVID-19 pandemic began in Wuhan, China. Even the Chinese government, as much as it lies and hides the truth, has acknowledged as much.

But if you say that, you’re a racist bigot who must be canceled.

And so Poor was, even after he apologized (which he should never have had to do in the first place because, again, a joke…).

“The kid was not even offended and you could clearly tell it was a joke,” one student who was in on the Zoom course and heard the joke told the college news outlet.

“I know the guy who was on the other end of this and he is from Wuhan, China. He has told me he was not offended and he thought the professor was just joking with him,” Nathan Etheridge, a Missouri student tweeted.

Missouri student Lourdes Torrey tweeted out earlier that “one student told my class they’re from wuhan, china and my professor said ‘ah let me put on my mask’…. yea i’m finna report him to title IX.” 

(What a little Nazi.)

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#StillConcerned was the group that originally shared the clip, saying in its tweet that Poor should be fired for his “racist and xenophobic comments.” 

(What a group of little Nazis.)

 “To anyone who was offended by my comments, I sincerely apologize and I want to communicate unequivocally that I have nothing but respect and love for the Chinese people and especially my students from China,” Poor wrote in an apology. “But the most important point you need to understand from a marketing perspective is that what I did was wrong” because “perception is reality.”

Oh, brother. But it didn’t matter anyway; the university revoked his teaching status.

Free speech in America is dead. We just haven’t declared officially dead yet.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.