Is it possible for Democrat elected officials in deep blue cities to be ‘woke’ enough for the Marxist activists who are pushing our society to the brink of unstoppable anarchy?

Repeatedly, the answer is no

The latest example comes from Oakland, where uber-‘progressive’ Mayor Libby Schaaf just had her home defaced by the BLM/Antifa mob because she won’t “defund the police.”

Breitbart News reports:

Photos shared to social media show slogans such as “Defund OPD,” and “cancel rent,” were spray-painted in red on a garage door.

“This crosses the line, because it’s someone’s house and property,” neighbor Alexandra Wright, 15, told KCBS Radio. “It’s not exactly okay. It’s not okay on any level.”

Wright’s mother questioned the protesters’ tactics, saying: “I get that people are upset. I’m upset, too. What’s your goal?”

The ‘goal’ would be to create chaos and anarchy on a scale no one can manage. It’s difficult to believe there are still Americans, even liberals, who can’t see that.

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In any event, the mayor’s office expressed ‘dismay’ at the defacement, but the statement itself is as factually incorrect as it is baffling.

“An attack at the home of a publicly elected official does not advance democracy. Around 2 a.m. vandals shot projectiles at the Mayor’s home, set off fireworks, and graffitied her home with paint,” added Justin Berton, a Schaaf spokesperson.

“This attack, designed to intimidate the Mayor and strike fear into her family, will not stop her from advocating for the policies she believes are in the best long-term interests of her beloved hometown. Like all Oaklanders, she supports passionate protest but does not support tactics meant to harm and terrorize others.”

Is that so?

Recall, Schaaf supported “tactics meant to harm and terrorize” her “beloved hometown” when she defied federal immigration officers and warned illegal aliens living in the city that ICE agents were about to raid it.

What’s more, she doubled down on it in an interview with Buzzfeed.

“I have no regrets, none. The more time goes by, the more certain I feel that I did the right thing in standing up for our community and pointing out our values are not aligned with our laws,” she said in December 2018, shortly after the tip-off. “That’s hopefully the message that is sent out.”

When she did it, she claimed in a statement she was ‘protecting’ residents. 

Mind you, ICE wasn’t focusing on so-called ‘law-abiding’ illegal aliens (they’re all criminals because they broke into our country in the first place). Rather, on policy instructions from the Trump administration, they were only out to detain and remove from communities bona fide threats – illegal immigrants who had committed violence and substantial criminal acts.

How is tipping off criminal aliens ‘protecting the community,’ mayor? 

It isn’t, of course. But then again, the Left is replete with hypocrisy.

Following the vandalism, Schaaf issued another statement.

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“We have to recognize that in Oakland, more than 100,000 people every year call 911 wanting the police to respond, we know that Oakland police have saved lives, have prevented harm, have brought justice and resolution to victims of crime and we have to honor that sense of safety also,” she said of the ‘defund the police’ movement.

Like every other Democrat ‘leader,’ she refuses to be honest and tell the idiot anarchists she’s not going to get rid of cops because the city will blow up. She knows they don’t want to hear that and if they do, they won’t vote for her.

So she’s trying to have it both ways. Obviously, that’s not working out. 


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.