Just when you think that HBO “Real Time” Bill Maher might be someone you could sit down and have a beer and conversation with, he reverts back into being the classless, horrible human being that he truly is.

During his Friday program, he lamented President Donald Trump’s [likely] choice of U.S. Court of Appeals Judge Amy Coney Barrett as his next Supreme Court nominee, but not because she isn’t qualified to be on the nation’s highest court.


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Maher is upset because she’s a practicing observant Catholic, which – in his warped, narrow little mind – makes her a “f**king nut.”

Wow; little Bill triggered by someone’s belief in a power higher than him and the entertainment elites he hangs with. Who’d have thought?

The Daily Wire has more:

Leftist Bill Maher launched an attack against President Donald Trump’s reported Supreme Court nominee on Saturday, calling the mother of seven and devout Catholic a “f***ing nut.”

“But apparently the pick is going to be this omy…a-omy…Amy Comey [sic],” Maher said as he started to laugh, “well, we’ll be saying this name a lot I’m sure because she’s a f***ing nut.”

“Religion, I was right about that one, too,” Maher continued. “Amy, I’m sorry but, Amy Comey [sic] Barrett — Catholic, really Catholic, I mean really, really Catholic, like speaking in tongues. Like she doesn’t believe in condoms, which [is] what she has in common with Trump because he doesn’t either — I remember that from Stormy Daniels.”


What a brave guy. Can you imagine Maher really going full-controversial and, say, blasting an observant Muslim in an Islamic country for, oh, throwing gay men off of roofs? Yeah, those swell ISIS guys did that a lot.

Of course, Maher isn’t going to go after someone who practices a “protected” religion. Muslim attacks against gays, good; a Catholic judge’s originalist views of the Bible and sex…oh, my God, that’s nuts!

Here’s some more background on Barrett from her alma mater, the University of Notre Dame, where she taught law for 20 years: 

Judge Barrett teaches and researches in the areas of federal courts, constitutional law, and statutory interpretation. Her scholarship in these fields has been published in leading journals, including the Columbia, Virginia, and Texas Law Reviews. From 2010-2016, she served by appointment of the Chief Justice on the Advisory Committee for the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure. She has been selected as “Distinguished Professor of the Year” by three of the Law School’s graduating classes.

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Judge Barrett earned her B.A. in English literature, magna cum laude, from Rhodes College, where she was elected to Phi Beta Kappa and, among other honors, was chosen by the faculty as the most outstanding graduate in the college’s English department. She earned her J.D., summa cum laude, from Notre Dame, where she was a Kiley Fellow, earned the Hoynes Prize, the Law School’s highest honor, as the number one student in her class, and served as executive editor of the Notre Dame Law Review.

Granted, Barrett’s nowhere near as ‘accomplished’ as some vulgar pinhead whose claim to fame is dropping ‘f’ bombs on a pay-per-view channel and, apparently, whispering about his alleged ample manhood in Rose McGowan’s ear. 

But she can try.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.