Okay, so I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that there seems to be some kind of bizarre mental illness that has become, strangely enough, contagious in our current culture, particularly when it comes to gender identity, something that has been a very hot topic over the last few years and seems likely to stay in that arena for a very long time.

We’ve all seen the radical leftists — along with many highly confused and easily influenced young people — adopt a wide variety of pronouns they “identify” as, such as they/them, ze, zir, and others.

Any reasonable human being clearly sees this is all poppycock. These are made up terms used by individuals who are a bit mentally unstable, though for the most part they are still somewhat able to use reason.

However, according to TheBlaze, we now have confirmation that one liberal is taking things to a whole new level of weird and most definitely crazy by stating their pronoun is “god.” This, folks, is the exact opposite of a reasonable person.

Christians everywhere should be pretty ticked off about this one. They’ve gone too far now.

This was all revealed in a video that was shared by the notorious and oh so awesome Libs of TikTok, that shows a person chatting about “god” being their choice of pronoun.

“‘God’ is me validating my agender-ness,” the person went on to say in the absolutely insane video, before going on to reveal, “I don’t view myself as a god. I’m an atheist, I don’t believe in gods.”

This is already giving me a headache. Anyone happen to have a bottle of Tylenol handy?

Here’s more from TheBlaze:

The individual claimed not to have a gender and said that “it’s like I’m existing” as well as “not existing at the same time β€” god” and “I am a being” but also “not a being … like god.”

“People can get offended. That’s fine, but nothing else validates my agender-ness like that pronoun,” the person said.

“This is a crazy person. Plain and simple. Also the peroxide q-tipping is gross,” Republican Party of Arizona chair Kelli Ward tweeted in response to the video that Libs of TikTok had highlighted.

You know, after taking a gander at the video and seeing what this person looks like, it all makes sense.

The bizarre discussion of pronouns featured in the video reflects yet another example of the seemingly bottomless abyss of radical leftist gender ideology that has become a disturbing and absurd aspect of modern society.

Here’s another nutty video of someone else blabbing on about a bunch of nonsense pronouns:


How does one not worry profusely over the state of our nation and the kind of culture our children are inheriting when you see this kind of woo-woo being plastered all over the Internet? What in the world went down to allow this to happen?

Did an entire generation fall asleep at the wheel? Something went wrong somewhere, but I can’t quite place my finger on it. Regardless, this is ridiculous. These folks really need to seek mental help from legitimate professionals who can walk them back through this blanket of nonsense and get them back to reality.
