Earlier this week, the ‘mainstream media,’ which serves as the Democrat Party’s propaganda division, breathlessly reported that a group of ‘Republicans’ were so ‘concerned’ about and upset at the prospect of a second term for President Donald Trump they just have to vote for Democratic nominee Joe Biden.

Here’s how The Associated Press reported it:

More than 300 alumni of the most recent Republican administration and presidential campaigns are collectively endorsing Democratic nominee Joe Biden on the day that Republican President Donald Trump accepts his party’s nomination for a second term.

Biden’s campaign released three separate joint statements from the political orbits of former President George W. Bush, 2012 nominee and now-U.S. Sen. Mitt Romney and 2008 nominee John McCain, who died in 2018.

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The list of signatories range from rank-and-file campaign aides for all three men to some sub-Cabinet appointees in the Bush administration. The show of bipartisan force seeks to bolster Biden’s argument that Trump presents a fundamental threat to the nation that transcends party loyalties.

Wow – that’s serious then, huh? All these “Republicans” so out of sorts over Trump. That must mean the president really is a threat to our country’s future!

The fact is, these people are swamp creatures. They may be slightly different, politically, than their Democrat counterparts, but they are swamp creatures nonetheless of the kind Trump has vowed to drain from DC.

And for the record, there is a reason these clowns are not working in the current Republican administration; they are Establishmentarians, not change-agent conservatives and constitutionalists like President Trump.

But there’s another political switcheroo that the garbage propagandists in the MSM aren’t reporting: The growing list of Democrat mayors in Minnesota who have publicly endorsed the president.

This is a huge deal because Minnesota has also become a battleground state in the Trump era – something else the MSM isn’t reporting (Trump only lost the state by 1.5 percent in 2016).

“Today, we don’t recognize the Democratic Party. It has been moved so far to the left it can no longer claim to be advocates of the working class,” the mayors noted in a statement, according to the Texas Insider.

“The hard-working Minnesotans that built their lives and supported their families here on the Range have been abandoned by radical Democrats. We didn’t choose to leave the Democratic Party, the party left us,” said the August 28th, 2020 endorsement.

This, as the state’s largest city — Minneapolis — is looted, burned, and ransacked again and again by Black Lives Matter anarchists in acts of terrorism Biden and his RINO friends summarily ignore day after day.

“In this election, there is a lot at stake – but the biggest risk is our economy, jobs, and our way of life,” the letter continues.

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“Lifelong politicians like Joe Biden are out of touch with the working class, out of touch with what the country needs, and out of touch with those of us here in small towns like ours across our nation,” it says.

“President Trump delivered the best economy in our nation’s history, and President Trump will deliver for us again. He will continue to fight for every American, regardless of party affiliation and continue to stand up for the working class.”

Read the entire letter signed by the six mayors here.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.