On Monday, pharmaceutical firm Pfizer announced it has developed a COVID-19 vaccine that successfully blocks the virus 90 percent of the time. 

It was an amazing announcement and it’s an amazing feat. Never before in the history of vaccines has a virus vaccine been developed so quickly, and with such an advertised efficacy rate. 

All that’s left now, Pfizer said, is Food and Drug Administration approval. The U.S. government has already pre-purchased 100 million doses of the vaccine for $1.25 billion; Pfizer says it can have something close to 50 million doses ready by year’s end if the FDA approves of it quickly.

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For the record – and this might seem petty, but it certainly needs to be said because there must be a written record of it – the development of this COVID-19 vaccine (and, perhaps, follow-on versions) is the direct result of President Donald Trump’s quick, decisive actions.

When he launched “Operation Warp Speed” in late April, the intent was to mobilize government and industrial resources to cut through mountains of regulatory red tape and get something developed and out to the American public that was safe, reliable, and effective.

The operation appears to have been successful. And again, this was Trump’s operation from the outset.

But now that a vaccine appears to be just over the horizon, and there is a distinct possibility that the Democrat operation to steal the 2020 election for Joe Biden may wind up being successful, conservative talk radio king Rush Limbaugh thinks he knows what’s next: Biden, with the help of the in-the-tank-for-him media, will rewrite history and ensure that a man who can’t remember simple things gets the credit.

Limbaugh noted Monday:

I think it’s just a disappointing tragedy what has happened here. And I’ll tell you what needs to be the focus. Yeah. This is such great news. You see what happened with Dow futures today? And now the stock market’s up 1200 points. The futures were up 1200 points because Pfizer stated their vaccine is 90% effective, and let me tell you something. Joe Biden had nothing to do with the vaccine, but he’s gonna get credit for it. It’s going to be the Biden vaccine. He had nothing to do with it.

The Democrat Party should get no credit whatsoever. They have been berating the vaccine. They have been suggesting that it’s false, they have been suggesting that Trump is lying about it, that it is not gonna be ready in time, and even if it is, it isn’t gonna work. They’ve been irresponsibly ripping the vaccine institutionally. They have been suggesting to people that if Trump is responsible for it, they can’t trust it. Trump doesn’t make it. Trump’s not a scientist in a laboratory wearing a white coat or a blue coat making a vaccine.

Oh, and one other thing: Predictions that if Biden won, COVID-19 would suddenly fade from the headlines of the garbage media have come true already as well, Limbaugh points out:

And now, my, how things have changed. We’ve got the so-called president-elect Joe Biden, and all is well. CNN’s even stopped the COVID-19 countdown. I have it right here in my formerly nicotine-stained fingers. Monday, November 2nd, 10:30 a.m., here’s the CNN screenshot: Coronavirus pandemic globally total cases in the United States, total cases, total deaths.

One week later, November 9th, 2020, 10:30 a.m., a screen grab of CNN’s main page. Not a single mention of coronavirus! We told you that coronavirus was going to vanish after the election, and it has. We didn’t tell you the virus itself was going to vanish. Don’t confuse things. We didn’t say they were gonna do…

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We said it was gonna stop being a big issue. And why is it gonna stop being a big issue? Because they don’t want to lay it off on Biden. We’re gonna have a cure. We’re gonna have a vaccine. It’s gonna be the Biden vaccine, not the Trump vaccine. Biden did all this magically while sequestered in his basement.

Our establishment media is a disgrace. And Donald Trump is amazing for having been the driving force behind the fastest development of a new antiviral vaccine in the history of the planet.

Not Joe Biden.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.