Conservative talk radio king advised his listeners and the country Tuesday morning during an appearance on Fox News’ “Fox & Friends” program not to listen to anyone – any media or any pundit – tell them that ‘the election is over, and Joe Biden will win it.’

He made it very clear that no matter what, supporters of President Donald Trump and Republicans had to show up at the polls and vote because that is the best way to combat what is sure to be a Democrat attempt to steal various races and even the presidency using mail-in vote fraud.

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Limbaugh told his listeners about his appearance as he kicked off his program while imploring Americans to vote:

So, my friends, this is it. This is Election Day. And I am telling you again that live Election Day turnout — I don’t care what you’ve heard about all of the early voting and mail-in voting, and there appears to be already attempts at cheating in Pennsylvania, which was forecast, it was predicted. Details on that coming up here in mere moments. I know there’s gonna be anecdotal stories all day. …

I did appear on Fox & Friends this morning, folks. And if you watched it, you might have seen Steve Doocy tell the world how it happened. He said he was minding his own business last night and about 6:30 he gets an instant message from me asking if I can be on today.  …

Doocy asks me today on the air, “So why did you call us? Why so important to appear today? What do you want to do?” And I said to him, “Steve, I am so proud of President Trump. He has worked tirelessly for us. I myself, speaking just for me, I am so appreciative of the effort, the time -” I know you’re thinking, “But, Rush, he’s president.” Yeah, but I’ve never seen a president devote this much time to his country. I mean, in trying to win reelection so as to continue the program.

All of this effort that the president is expending is for us, the American people. Donald Trump has been fighting to preserve the American way of life ever since he was inaugurated, since his campaign began in 2015. The truth about President Trump is, he wants all Americans to have a great future. He wants every American, no matter where they began in life, no matter what economic point they started out, he wants every American to have a great opportunity, the best future. …

And, folks, one other thing here. You gotta vote today. I don’t care how long the line is. If you get in line, do not leave the line. Stay there. Do not let them intimidate you. Don’t let them scare you out. Election Day turnout is the best weapon we’ve got against Democrat vote fraud. It’s also the best way to win the election. Election Day turnout.

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The talk show giant also said he believes that a lot of the early voting that was predicted to go to Democrats and Joe Biden actually has gone to the president:

So I think a lot of this early voting is pro-Trump. Now, the Drive-By Media is assuming that all of the early voting is being done by Democrats. But then why do they assume that every Democrat’s voting for Biden? Do you know how many Democrats are showing up at these Trump rallies? It would stun you. They statistically categorize everybody (or as many people as they can) that shows up at these rallies.

You would be amazed at the numbers of people who’ve never voted. These rallies are different than four years ago. There are people that have never voted showing up. In many cases, half the crowd is Democrats, and they are loving it, and they are having a ball. They’re having a great time. So, you know, conventional wisdom? I don’t buy it.



Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.