Noted China hawk Sen. Lindsey Graham wants Beijing’s Communist government to pay the U.S. for the damages caused by the coronavirus.

And pay. And pay. And pay.

In an interview last week, the South Carolina Republican called for a “pandemic tariff” to be slapped on China, as well as the cancellation of $1 trillion in U.S. debt securities that Beijing is holding.

“China needs to pay,” he told Fox News, accusing the ChiCom regime of “gross negligence and willful deception” in its handling of the outbreak.

Graham also defended President Trump’s early, quick actions in shutting down travel from China and other measures.

“President Trump has done a damn good job protecting this country,” Graham told Judge Janine Pirro. “He closed down travel to China when nobody in the world suggested we should. On March 13th, he declared a national emergency, put CDC guidelines into place that I think have saved a million Americans.

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“You may not agree with me, but I believe if we’d done nothing, if President Trump had not acted March 13th, there’d be a million-plus dead Americans,” he added.

As for China, “Gross negligence and willful deception by the Chinese government has led to 22 million Americans being unemployed and 38,000 Americans dead,” Graham said. “And China needs to pay.”

He’s not the only one who believes so. Former South Carolina governor and former U.S. Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley agrees.

“China’s Communist government needs to be held accountable for their role in lying about the coronavirus pandemic, and the U.S. Congress needs to respond — now,” she said in a STOP Communist China petition, the Times of India reported.

She also called for the Trump administration to end Beijing’s near-monopoly on the manufacture of critical health equipment and other commodities.

The Times of India claimed that experts have warned against cancelling more than $1 trillion in U.S. Treasury securities that are held by China. Those experts believe such a move would decimate the U.S. dollar and collapse the global economic system.

Whether or not that’s true is debatable. And certainly Graham would know something about that before he would call for such dramatic action.

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Nevertheless, it’s obvious that China should be held responsible in one way or another, economically, for the damage the regime has caused not just the United States but many countries around the world.

Graham also blasted Democrats and in particular, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California, for opposing Trump just for the sake of being opposition.

“So her issue is she hates Trump to the point of hurting our own nation,” said Graham.

“She is condemning President Trump for cutting funds off of the WHO because they’ve been in China’s pocket, as she at one time mentioned, the fact the virus came out of China, that the Chinese Communist Party lied to the American people and the world at large,” he said.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.