During an interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity on Wednesday, Republican Senator Lindsey Graham spoke out on the recent bombshell surrounding former national security adviser Michael Flynn who was framed by the FBI.

On Wednesday, the Department of Justice released court documents showing that in January of 2017, the FBI questioned about using their interview with Flynn to “get him fired” and to “get him to lie.”

“Yeah, there’s more coming,” Graham said. “It’s pretty apparent to me that General Flynn was a victim of an out-of-control Department of Justice. He basically got railroaded. It’s pretty widely known that the Obama Administration didn’t have much use for General Flynn.”

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“General Flynn deserved better from his government,” Graham continued. “He was willing to die for his country, the people who were involved in this, I hope will be held to account. Attorney General Barr is beginning to right wrongs. There’s a lot more coming. I promise you that everybody who signed the FISA warrant against Carter Page will be asked to testify before the Judiciary Committee.”

“These notes reek of criminal misconduct,” Graham finished. “One of the worst things that can happen in any democracy is for those who are in charge of the law to take it into their own hands for political purposes. I think that is what has happened here. Time will tell. I promise you that we are going to find out how the FBI operated when they were told by the Russian sub source in January 2017, the dossier is a bunch of garbage. I find it impossible to believe that did not work its way up Comey and McCabe. In January 2017, the person who prepared the dossier for Christopher Steele told the FBI it’s a bunch of bar talk and hearsay and they obtained two warrants after that. How could that possibly happen?”

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Read the transcript below:

FOX NEWS HOST SEAN HANNITY: Joining us now with more reaction to the bombshell Flynn documentary release, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham. Senator, I don’t know what else to say. I mean, is this the biggest set up you’ve ever seen? I am told by my sources this is only the tip of the iceberg. There is so much more coming.

SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM (R-SC): Yeah, there’s more coming. Yeah, I think there’s more coming. It’s pretty apparent to me that General Flynn was a victim of an out-of-control Department of Justice. He basically got railroaded. It’s pretty widely known that the Obama Administration didn’t have much use for General Flynn. Attorney General Barr needs to be complemented, he is doing the right thing. He has three goals that I share: Restore trust, hold people accountable who have engaged in misconduct, and right wrongs like General Flynn and I believe eventually, Papadopoulos.

HANNITY: What is our goal? Truth, admission, or to get him to lie so we can prosecute him or get him fired? Senator, maybe I am old school, old-fashioned, I don’t know. If somebody serves their country, and a lot of that time and war zones for 33 years, protecting our liberty and our freedom and our constitution and our way of life, you would think you would bend over backwards. Not set him up, not say you don’t need an attorney when he definitely needed one. Not brag, Oh I sent my agent said to take advantage of the chaos, something I never do or get away with in previous administrations. That is the FBI director and deputy director. They didn’t think he lied, they made him plea after he went bankrupt, sold his house and said we are putting your son in jail if you don’t sign.

GRAHAM: General Flynn deserved better from his government. He was willing to die for his country, the people who were involved in this, I hope will be held to account. Attorney General Barr is beginning to right wrongs. There’s a lot more coming. I promise you that everybody who signed the FISA warrant against Carter Page will be asked to testify before the Judiciary Committee, whether they come or not will be up to them, but they will be asked to come. The goal is to make sure this never happens again to any American, must less, a war hero.

HANNITY: So many people, we’ve been unpeeling the layers of the onion on this deep state for such a long period of time, and people ask me, when are we ever going to get justice? I’m told we are very close now and that a lot of big things, a lot of moving parts here, and I think it’s very revealing, some of the things the attorney general has said, I’m paying attention. And some of the movements of the prosecutor Durham in terms of hiring more staff. What do you glean from the statements and actions?

GRAHAM: These notes reek of criminal misconduct. I trust Attorney General Barr to be fair to everybody involved with those being investigated, but his goal, I know him very well, is to right the ship. To restore trust that’s been lost. To hold people accountable. One of the worst things that can happen in any democracy is for those who are in charge of the law to take it into their own hands for political purposes. I think that is what has happened here. Time will tell. I promise you that we are going to find out how the FBI operated when they were told by the Russian sub source in January 2017, the dossier is a bunch of garbage. I find it impossible to believe that did not work its way up Comey and McCabe. In January 2017, the person who prepared the dossier for Christopher Steele told the FBI it’s a bunch of bar talk and hearsay and they  obtained two warrants after that. How could that possibly happen?

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