Sen. Lindsey Graham, who’s in the political fight of his life, nonetheless said on Sunday he believes that “momentum” is with President Donald Trump in his reelection effort as well as the GOP in general.

In an interview with Fox Business Network’s Maria Bartiromo, the South Carolina Republican laid out five reasons why that “momentum is real.”

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“When I mention [newly-appointed Supreme Court Justice] Amy Barrett’s name it gets a louder applause than Trump or Graham,” Graham said, calling her a “twofer” who “excites the base.”

“Thirty-three percent GDP growth right before the election is huge for President Trump,” he continued. “People see hope after the virus.”

He then called “war being declared by Biden on oil and gas” the “biggest political mistake in a debate in modern history.”

Graham then said he believes that the scandal involving incriminating information gleaned from Hunter Biden’s laptop “is penetrating with independents.”

“Finally, Donald Trump is working his butt off, these rallies are making a difference,” Graham continued. “Keep it up, Mr. President. The momentum is with Republicans. It’s with Trump.”

The Daily Caller adds:

Graham concluded by insisting that potential lockdowns imposed by Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden to fight the spread of COVID-19 would “kill the economy” and are “definitely on the ballot.”

Though the Real Clear Politics national average has tightened slightly to 7.2%, the race is more narrow in key swing states like Pennsylvania, Michigan, North Carolina, Arizona, and Florida.

Others are even more confident of not just a Trump victory but a smashing Trump victory, including Vegas businessman, oddsmaker and conservative personality Wayne Allen Root.

In a Sunday column, he said all the signs are aligning for a massive electoral win by the president:

Here’s what my gut instinct says:

— Nothing else matters like the poll question “Are you better off than four years ago?” Fifty-six percent of voters in one survey answered yes! That’s the highest in modern history. Reagan scored 44%, and he won a 49-state landslide. Trump scored 56%.  

Even more importantly, who exactly are they better off than? Common sense says they’re not voting for the guy who made them feel worse (Biden) over the guy who made the feel better (Trump).

— I know Florida is the key. If Trump wins Florida, he’s in the driver’s seat. And based on early-voting numbers, Florida appears to be a smashing Trump win.

— Next in importance comes Pennsylvania. What’s been happening in Pennsylvania lately? If you haven’t noticed, deep-blue, Democrat-controlled Philadelphia is on fire — rioting, looting, burning and injured cops. I guarantee the rest of Pennsylvania voters have noticed. This will push Trump over the edge in Pennsylvania. Democrats have clearly destroyed Philadelphia. Why would any sane Pennsylvanian voter want them to do the same thing to the entire country?

— Then there’s Hunter Biden’s poisonous laptop. The media and social media conspired to black out any news. It didn’t matter. The story got out. Did it change millions of votes? Nope. It merely changed a few key swing-state votes. That’s all Trump needed.  

— Finally, I come to the infamous kill shot, the coup de grace. Just as I predicted weeks ago, the third-quarter gross domestic product was released on Friday. It showed 33.1% economic growth, the highest in America’s history. It was double the highest GDP in history before this.  

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This is proof of the Trump economic miracle. And proof Trump has handled COVID-19 in an extraordinary way. He kept us alive and, more importantly, employed. He kept our economy alive to fight another day. He kept our businesses open. We have hope; we have opportunity; we have a future. BRAVO, President Trump.  

We’ll have our answer probably not on Election Day, thanks to all of the nonsense in allowing late ballots in some states from the “conservative” U.S. Supreme Court, but soon enough.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.