On Tuesday morning, President Trump was interviewed by Fox Sports radio host Clay Travis and they discussed a wide range of topics.

From China, the NFL, baseball, to the National Anthem, they basically covered it all.

They even got around to the burning questions that sports fans have debated for the last 10 years:

Who is the greatest basketball player of all time – Michael Jordan or LeBron James?

President Trump didn’t hesitate.

Before Travis could even finish his question, President Trump said “Michael Jordan. Plus he wasn’t political so people liked him better”.

Watch below:

Mr. President, tell us how you really feel!

During the interview, President Trump also said he would be glad if the NFL didn’t open at all this year if they don’t honor the National Anthem.

“They can protest in another way, they don’t have to disrespect our flag”, Trump said.

Watch the entire Outkick interview with Clay Travis below:


"The Coca Cola company is not happy with me -- that's okay, I'll still keep drinking that garbage" -Donald J. Trump