According to a new report, Southwest Airlines will conduct an internal investigation into a pilot who was reportedly captured on video saying “Let’s go Brandon” over the intercom.

“Southwest does not condone Employees sharing their personal political opinions while on the job serving our Customers, and one Employee’s individual perspective should not be interpreted as the viewpoint of Southwest and its collective 54,000 Employees,” the airline said in a statement Sunday.

However, after the video was released, some are wondering if he said “Let’s Go Brandon” or “Let’s Go Braves”. The Braves are currently facing the Houston Astro’s in the MLB world series.

Watch below to hear it for yourself:


♬ original sound – thatpatriotmom

What did you hear? ‘Let’s Go Brandon’, or ‘Let’s Go Braves’?

Regardless, Southwest Airlines will look into the matter. Here is their full statement:

Over the weekend, President Trump was present at the World Series where he hilariously chuckled as the crowd chanted “Let’s Go Brandon”:

While the left is so “offended” over Let’s Go Brandon, they seemingly weren’t offended by any of the horrible things said about Trump or other Republicans:

What is your reaction to the disgusting double standard? Comment below…


"The Coca Cola company is not happy with me -- that's okay, I'll still keep drinking that garbage" -Donald J. Trump