Over the weekend, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi was served with an “eviction notice” by activists at her home in San Francisco after she failed to extend the CDC’s eviction moratorium.

Last month, the Biden administration extended the eviction moratorium till July 31st however the House failed to extend it past that date.

“The House adjourned Friday for summer recess without passing legislation to extend a nationwide ban on evictions that is set to expire Saturday, prompting outrage from the progressive Squad and an overnight protest at the Capitol,” Fox News reported. “About 40 activists headed to Pelosi’s home on Saturday to tape an ‘eviction notice’ on her door to remind the speaker that millions of Americans will be facing eviction starting this weekend while she sleeps comfortably in her posh home.”

Activist Christin Evans who was one of the protesters outside of Pelosi’s San Francisco home told Fox News that she and the other activists wanted to show Pelosi “how out of touch she is with the people that are facing a situation [of eviction].”

“We wanted to essentially send her a message that we want her to reconvene Congress to take a vote [to extend] the eviction moratorium,” Evans said.



Last week, the Biden administration requested that Congress extend the eviction moratorium. Instead of extending it, the Democratic controlled House told Biden to extend it.

Check out what Pelosi and her colleagues said in a statement:

On Thursday, the President asked Congress to pass an extension of the eviction moratorium. Sadly, it is clear that the Senate is not able to do so, and any legislation in the House, therefore, will not be sufficient to extend the moratorium.

Action is needed, and it must come from the Administration. That is why House leadership is calling on the Administration to immediately extend the moratorium. As the CDC doubles down on mask-wearing and vaccination efforts, science and reason demand that they must also extend the moratorium in light of the delta variant. Doing so is a moral imperative to keep people from being put out on the street which also contributes to the public health emergency.

The virus is still a threat. The moratorium must be extended, and the funds Congress allocated to assist renters and landlords must be spent. An extension of the moratorium is based on public health and the delta variant. It will also give more time to allow the money that Congress allocated to finally flow.

We call upon the Treasury Department to indicate how the funds that it has already transferred to states and communities can be more effectively distributed to renters and landlords.

What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments below!
