When Ohio’s Shontel Brown appeared on “Reverend” Al Sharpton’s program, she didn’t just make a fool of herself ranting about Republican “hypocrisy” and how horrible it is that average voters don’t want to stand up to the bad orange man, though she certainly did that.

She also attempted to point to all of Biden’s many “accomplishments,” but made a fool of herself in doing so because all those things she attempted to name as great successes of the Biden regime were really just miserable attempts to recover from past failures. In her words:

“I don’t know if it’s a brand-new bag, but we’re happy to see the momentum come back again in full force. President Biden has showed that when people come out, the people can count….As his numbers go up, the price of gas is going down. He’s been able to do some tremendous things in his two years.

“As Ohio’s 11th congressional representative, these things are gonna have a tremendous impact on the people that I was elected to represent. We are gonna be doing things that put money back in the pocketbooks of people. Helping to lower prescription drug prices. We’re going to be making and creating jobs to the tune of 10,000, in at least in terms of Ohio. These jobs will be good-paying union jobs. Many of them do not require a college degree.

I cannot express how excited I am that the rest of the country is finally starting to recognize the great work that this administration and this Congress. We have had a smorgasbord of accomplishments, Reverend Al, for people’s political palette. Now they’re finally getting a taste.”

So, in that ramble, she named one concrete “achievement” and one expected achievement as the examples of the “smorgasbord of accomplishments.”

The first supposed achievement, lowering the price of gas, isn’t really an achievement, nor good news for Brandon’s regime. Compared to where it was when he entered office, the price of gas is still up tremendously since he took office, something the American people haven’t forgotten.

Similarly, she claims that Biden is somehow going to create 10,000 union jobs in Ohio, leaving out how that’s actually going to happen. Perhaps it will, perhaps not. If it does, then that will be good for the people of Ohio.

However, it must be remembered that Biden’s son was collecting cash from China, the country to where all those jobs hollowed out of the Rust Belt went. Without people like the Bidens being willing to do business with Red China, we wouldn’t need to go on MSNBC to cheer about a few thousand jobs coming back to one of the states wrecked by globalism.

So that attempt of Shontel’s to claim that Slow Joe has lots of accomplishments didn’t go well…about as bad as the Biden presidency has so far gone, some might say.

By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Facebook and Subscribe to My Email List
