An article featured prominently on Yahoo! News blared the seemingly oxymoronic, and simply utterly moronic, headline of “The rise of white nationalist Hispanics.” Have stupid, evil media interests found company for George Zimmerman? Apparently.

In a world where Clarence Thomas is ignored during Black History Month and blacks aren’t black unless they vote (and by extension, think) a certain way, it is certainly possible that people born of and living a fully Hispanic heritage could simultaneously be considered white supremacists. It’s all insane but it’s happening.

Yahoo! began its story this way:

“Nick Fuentes, identified as a “white supremacist” in Justice Department filings, made headlines last week for hosting a white nationalist conference in Florida. His father is also half Mexican American…

Fuentes is part of a small but increasingly visible number of far-right provocateurs with Hispanic backgrounds who spread racist, antisemitic messages.”

Count on the same people who describe race as merely a social construct to go out of their way constructing someone else’s race for them in order to fit a neatly packaged narrative. Not only does the media not need to be involved in determining someone’s racial makeup – you are what you are and it is simply impossible to assign a new race – but the story goes on to make further outlandish and reprehensible claims. It writes, quoting an “expert” on the matter:

“Racism is deeply rooted in Latin American and Caribbean nations, where slavery was common, Tanya K. Hernández, a Fordham University law professor and author of the upcoming book, “Racial Innocence: Unmasking Latino Anti-Black Bias,” told Axios. “In Latin America, white supremacy is alive and well.””

White supremacy is alive and well in the non-white region of Latin America? Is Africa a holdover of white supremacy since it sold slaves too? Is the new messaging supposed to be that anyone tied to black slavery is now the reincarnation of hooded white supremacist klansmen? I am sure that comes as quite a surprise to the brown- and black-melaninned folks who have been hearing for decades by the same race-hustling ruling class that conservative Americans opposed to unfettered immigration were racist and xenophobic.

Now, suddenly these sides are on the same team of anti-black scumbags. If you’re confused, that’s the point.

There is not a lot that can be added to this conversation. This line of thinking is disgusting, ahistorical, biologically preposterous, and flat out wrong. As always, leftists are intejecting aspects of morality onto a person simply by virtue of their skin color and opinions. It is the classical definition of racism, and as always, is being projected onto others. This is in no way a defense of Fuentes or anyone else mentioned in the article, but it’s worth pointing out nonetheless.

The article continued with other examples of people of Hispanic origin acting white. It included:

“Cuban American Enrique Tarrio, the former leader of the Proud Boys, a group the Anti-Defamation League calls an extremist group with a violent agenda, was arrested Tuesday and charged with conspiracy in connection to the Jan. 6 Capitol riot…

Last month, Jose Gomez III, 21, of Midland, Texas, pleaded guilty in federal court to three counts of committing a hate crime for attacking an Asian American family, including two children, he believed to be responsible for the pandemic…

In 2018, Alex Michael Ramos, a Puerto Rican resident of Georgia, was sentenced by a Virginia District Court to six years in prison for his role in a beating of a Black man in Charlottesville, Virginia, following the “Unite the Right” rally…”

So much stupidty. So much hate. Seriously, after the embarrassing attempt at injecting whiteness into the debate over Trayvon Martin;’s death, it seemed like we could move on from this, but no.

George Zimmerman, readers will recall, was the scapegoated soul in the 2012 death of Obama’s would-be son Trayvon Martin. Because Obama’s two-time election victory (on top of everything else going so well for blacks and other alleged oppressed groups) essentially buried the “America is forever racist” lie, political and media miscreants demanded we see the country through a racialized prism.

Therefore, when the very ethnically Hispanic Zimmerman had to resort to lethal self-defense after having his face pummeled and head bashed in by the thuggish aggressor Martin, the media contorted basic anthropological biology into new regions of fake news. The bolded text was an editorial decision by Breitbart when it reran a portion of CNN coverage.

“Anticipating that the outcome of the very public, and racially-tinged, case is likely to disappoint one swath of the population or another, law enforcement agencies have set up a response plan.

In it, a black teenage boy and a Hispanic girl urge viewers to “stand together as one. No cuffs, no guns.”

Zimmerman is a white Hispanic who is on trial for last year’s shooting death of Trayvon Martin, a black teen, in Sanford city. Sanford is in Seminole County.”
