It’s no secret that Jim Acosta was a horrible journalist, but he might be an even worse TV anchor.

According to new analysis from Fox News, Acosta appears to be the sole reason that the weekend edition of “CNN Newsroom” is falling in the ratings department.

Just three weeks into Acosta’s reign as news anchor, ratings have fallen a whopping 41%.

Here’s more from Fox News:

“The Acosta-anchored Saturday programs have averaged 796,000 viewers since the former White House correspondent took over on April 3. Over the first three months of 2021, CNN averaged 1.141 million viewers on Saturdays during the same time slot, indicating a 30% drop in viewership with Acosta behind the anchor desk

But the decline isn’t simply a product of CNN’s brief post-election ratings bump at the beginning of the year. CNN averaged 1.247 million viewers on Saturdays between 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. ET during all of 2020, 36% more than the average for the Acosta-anchored programs.

Acosta’s viewership issue is worse on Sundays, when his edition of “CNN Newsroom” has averaged 710,000 viewers. That’s a staggering 41% drop from the network’s average of 1.196 million viewers in the time slot over the first three months of 2021.”

Once Trump left office, Acosta had really nothing left to do. CNN paid him the big bucks to be as disruptive as possible during every White House Press conference.

However, now that CNN is actively carrying water for the Biden administration, there is no reason to put Acosta in that same position.

What is your reaction to Acosta’s horrid ratings on CNN? Comment below…


"The Coca Cola company is not happy with me -- that's okay, I'll still keep drinking that garbage" -Donald J. Trump