It will not surprise many Americans that Democrats are trying to use the COVID relief bill to sneak in some liberal goodies.

In a new report from the Washington Free Beacon, Democrats are trying to reinstate Title X federal funding for “family planning services” to organizations that carry out abortions or provide abortion referrals.

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The Biden administration’s $1.9 trillion relief package includes $50 million that will go toward the Title X program.

The Trump administration ended Title X funding. So, the Biden administration reinstating the rule will restore a significant revenue stream for Planned Parenthood.

Just consider that.

Democrats across the country have forced American workers and businesses to shut down and barely survive for nearly a year.

Many business owners have not survived. So many Americans have lost their jobs or have had to pick up extra work to put food on the table.

Democrats not only have failed to pass a COVID relief bill, but they are also now trying to allocate tens of millions of dollars so that people can get abortions, which has nothing to do with coronavirus.

“House Democrats are shamefully pushing a massive expansion of abortion on demand, paid for with tax dollars, in the guise of COVID-19 relief — including payouts to abortion giant Planned Parenthood,” Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser said in a news release last week.

“This divisive agenda flies in the face of the ‘unity’ the Biden-Harris ticket promised to inspire,” Dannenfelser added.

In its news release, the Susan B. Anthony List said the Biden administration’s repeal of the Trump administration’s rule and the injection of new money meant “Title X would once again become a slush fund for abortion businesses like Planned Parenthood.”

“Emboldened by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, Democrats in Congress want to force taxpayers to bail out the abortion industry,” Dannenfelser said in the release.

“Polls consistently show that the overwhelming majority of Americans, including millions of rank-and-file Democrats, are opposed to bankrolling abortion businesses whether in this country or overseas.”

In other words, $50 million in Title X funding isn’t the kind of thing where you’d see wide support, especially when it involves Planned Parenthood.

That’s why Democrats went to all of this trouble to hide it in a relief bill. They were hoping no one would notice or that if it did get noticed by someone, it would be too late in the process to make a big deal out of it.

To most Americans, this is absolutely indefensible.

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It makes no sense at all to use American taxpayer dollars to provide major left-wing corporations with funds to perform and/or promote abortions.

This is just another example of what Democrats and Biden are focused on while countless Americans have lost their jobs and/or are barely hanging on in this pandemic.
