Sleepy Joe gave requisite and predictable remarks on Thursday morning to commemorate his second annual Transgender Day of Visibility. He checked off all the boxes, saying he “sees” transgenders, calling out imaginary enemies from states whose governors and citizens hold traditional definitions of men and women, and even inserting a mandatory “women of color” comment which has no bearing on this occasion other than to kowtow to corrupt BLM marxists.

Here is Sleepy Joe slurring his way through a pre-recorded speech. I provide a complete transcript below the video for those unwilling and unable to listen to this demented monster.

“To everyone celebrating Transgender Day of Visibility, I want you to know that your president sees you. Jill, Kamala, Doug, and our entire administration sees you for who you are, made in the image of God and deserving of dignity, respect, and support.

But we know it’s hard when there are those out there who don’t see you and don’t respect you.

For example, the onslaught of anti-transgender state laws attacking you and your families is simply wrong. This administration is standing up for you against all these hateful bills.

And we’re committed to advancing transgender equality in the classroom, on the playing field, at work, in our military, in our housing and healthcare systems – everywhere. Simply everywhere.

Today, we’re announcing even more steps. But there’s always more work to do to end the epidemic of violence against trangender women of color and girls of color.

To ensure transgender seniors can age with dignity – dignity.

And to finally pass a bipartisan Equality Act to help transgender persons around the world live free from discrimnation and violence. Above all, to be there with you.

To parents of transgender children, affirming your child’s identity is one of the most powerful things you can do to keep them safe and healthy.

To any transgender American who’s struggling, please know that you’re not alone. To parents and children alike, please ask for help.

And know this: You’re so brave. You belong. And we have your back. God bless you all, be brave.”

There is so much wrong with this that there simply isn’t time to cover it all. He begins by invoking God, a mention that is wholly insincere and marked by evil sophistry. Of course we are all made in His image. Of course all people deserve love and compassion. But treating people at the individual level with grace and compassion is entirely different than making sweeping policy pronouncements that are rooted only in an untrue, power-grabbing ideology.

Biden seeks only to censor, silence, shame, and punish those who disagree with the party narrative, not uplift the supposedly oppressed “trans” community.

He then makes sure to lie about Florida’s recently-passed law that never mentions anything about transgenderism, only that gender identity and gender politics need not be raised in front of kindergarteners in school. It should be noted that almost two-thirds of Florida Democrats support the bill by Republican governor Ron DeSantis. As all leftists do, though, they pretend the bill claims you can’t say “gay” and other such ideas. It’s obvious none of them have read a single word from the actual bill.

Perhaps the most damaging claim made by Biden is that “affirming your child’s identity is one of the most powerful things you can do to keep them safe and healthy.” This is simply false, as no long-term study comprehensively shows reduced ideations of or attempts at suicide. Children need help accepting themselves for who they are, not pretending to be something else in a vain effort to superficially hide underlying problems.

Hearing Biden repeat “safe and healthy” also has ominous rings to the genetic therapies’ fraudulent claim of being “safe and effective.” This is a dangerous speech.
