Have you noticed that people who are least likely to be affected or threatened by the ongoing riots around the country – ‘in memory of George Floyd’ – are making some of the dumbest decisions on behalf of people who are likely to be affected by them?

That is especially true of Left-wing leaders of Democrat-run states and cities, many of whom are backing extremist calls to “defund the police,” which – if taken literally and if it becomes widespread – would plunge America into permanent chaos and usher in a period of vigilante justice.

While some cities are taking strong actions against rioters and looters, an Obama-appointed federal judge in Colorado has ordered the Denver Police Department to limit the use of non-lethal projectiles and tear gas when dealing with protest-related violence.

“The threat to physical safety and free speech outweighs the threat to property,” wrote U.S. District Court Judge R. Brooke Jackson in his 11-page opinion on Friday.

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This unbelievably ridiculous ruling was issued in response to a lawsuit filed by four protestors on Thursday who complained about the police department’s use of force methods to control violent protesters and suppress riots.

“I find that plaintiffs have established a strong likelihood that defendant violated plaintiffs’ First Amendment right to free speech,” he wrote, adding that the order forbids cops “from employing chemical weapons or projectiles of any kind against persons engaging in peaceful protests or demonstrations.”

Remarkably, the Denver Police Department responded flaccidly, noting in a statement that it “will comply with the judge’s directions, many of which are already in line with our community-consulted Use of Force Policy.”

Jackson did at least recognize that officers should be able to defend themselves. The Denver Post adds:

But Jackson recognized that police need the ability to protect themselves, so he set guidelines for when police officers can use the non-lethal weapons against protesters.

For example, a captain or higher-ranked officer must approve their use after that commander has witnessed specific acts of violence or property destruction that warrant that level of force. He forbid police to aim at people’s heads, necks or backs and said police cannot fire indiscriminately into a crowd.

In fact, police don’t simply employ such techniques for the heck of it. In nearly all cases, tear gas and rubber projectiles are used to disperse violent crowds and people who are committing the crime of rioting and looting. So while four snowflakes complain that they were gassed and pelted with non-lethal objects, the reality is, they probably had it coming to them.

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There have been exceptions, but for the most part, you’ll also notice that actual peaceful demonstrators do little or nothing to calm people down in the crowd who are beginning to become unruly and violent. 

Scores of examples of police interactions with protestors that have been posted to social media also show officers being challenged, pelted with objects, and even attacked. 

If anything, this Obama federal judge just made it more likely that police will be harmed in Denver, not less likely. But that doesn’t seem to matter much to this Obama federal judge.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.