Democrats and their media mouthpieces have been wailing in outrage over the idea that the U.S. military could be used to restore order during an outbreak of riots but regular Americans would beg to differ. 

With the nation under attack from anarchists and criminals who are burning and looting with abandon while Dem mayors allow it to happen, a new poll shows that a majority of Americans support the use of military troops to put down the insurrection. 

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According to a Morning Consult survey, 58 percent of Americans approve of sending in the military to assist police to quell riots and end the mayhem with 30 percent strongly in favor of turning the country over to those ransacking it. 

The poll was taken after President Trump announced that he was considering invoking the Insurrection Act which has been used by multiple presidents – including Democrats – at times of similar unrest. 

Via Newsweek, “Majority of Americans Support Calling in Military to Assist Police During Nationwide Unrest, Polling Shows”:

New polling shows that a majority of Americans, including nearly half of Democrats, support calling in the military to assist local police in handling the nationwide unrest that has accompanied peaceful demonstrations commemorating George Floyd, who died last week in Minneapolis police custody.

Morning Consult conducted the survey from May 31 to June 1 and found that 58 percent of voters support using the military to deal with protests and demonstrations across the country, alongside the police. Just 30 percent of respondents said they’d oppose such a measure.

Furthermore, 33 percent (one-third) of respondents said they “strongly” support sending in the military, while an additional 25 percent (one-quarter) said they “somewhat” support the move. Only 19 percent of voters “strongly” opposed deploying the military, while 11 percent “somewhat” opposed it. The survey’s margin of error was plus or minus 2 percentage points.

Republicans were more likely to support the proposal, with 77 percent in favor of sending in military troops. Among Democrats, 48 percent said they’d support deploying troops to cities rocked by protests. And 52 percent of independents also backed such action.

Those in support of the restoration of law and order and punishment of the criminal element that have used protests triggered by the killing of an unarmed black man by a rogue cop would seem to be a confirmation of President Trump’s tweet about a silent majority. 

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The idea that the military would break up the party has infuriated the America-hating left and nowhere more so than at the New York Times. 

The nation’s once-venerable “newspaper of record” has been overrun by pampered “woke” crybabies and outright anti-white racists who threw a temper tantrum when the NYT published an op-ed by Senator Tom Cotton advocating for the Insurrection Act. 

The Arkansas Republican made the case for the use of troops in a logical and rational manner that much to the horror of the NYT’s team of revisionists, used real examples plucked from history showing that Trump’s idea was not unprecedented and that such actions had been effective in ending the chaos. 

The Times caved to their noisy nursery of tantrum-throwing brats and apologized for the publication of Cotton’s opinion piece, a new low for a media that has been cheerleading for the rioters and pouring gasoline on the fire. 

But like Twitter world, the New York Times in no way reflects reality and that reality is that the longer that the violence, looting and unrest goes on, the greater that support for sending in the troops will continue to grow. 

