We continue to provide our readers anecdotal evidence that President Trump is doing better with minority communities in 2020 than he did in 2016 because we feel it’s a good way to augment polling data that, we feel, may be as wrong this time around as it was last time when most all predicted a Hillary Clinton win.

Tens of millions of Americans were expected to tune into Tuesday evening’s first debate being Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden, and to the president’s credit, he did not disappoint.

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He was aggressive. He pushed discussions of topics moderator Chris Wallace of Fox News would never have broached in 100 debates. He cut Biden short with at-the-moment fact-checks. And he challenged the former VP in a way the former VP seldom gets challenged, especially by the corporate Washington media that’s in the tank for him anyway.

In short, he was President Trump: A brawler who won’t take guff from anyone and who is assertive, confident, bold, and unafraid. 

And it showed, especially among a voting bloc that is trending more towards Trump and less towards Democrats they have long supported (for no good reason).

Just The News has more:

A majority of Spanish speaking viewers of Telemundo think President Trump won the presidential debate Tuesday night with Democratic challenger Joe Biden, according to a poll by the cable TV network.

During post-debate coverage, Telemundo anchors displayed a poll showing that 66% of Spanish speaking viewers thought Trump emerged victorious, compared to 34% who thought Biden won.

In 2016, the president won 28% of the country’s Latino vote, which was just 1% higher than what Republican candidate Mitt Romney received in 2012. Polls in late summer showed the president tracking in the low 30s with Hispanic voters, though that number could be as high as 38%. 

Though Trump’s numbers among Hispanic numbers still fall below those of President George W. Bush, who won between 40-44% of the Latino vote in 2004, he remains relatively popular compared to previous Republican candidates.

Translation: By a nearly 2-to-1 margin, Spanish-language Telemundo viewers thought our president trounced his Democratic challenger.

There is one potential speed bump, though: Florida.

Just The News reports that some polls there have Biden up by double-digits among Hispanic-speaking voters. That’s always possible, and if so that’s a concern because Florida, which is always a tight race, is a must-win for the president.

That said, the president’s approval rating is also rising among black voters, according to recent surveys. And let’s face it: If Trump can win a decent percentage of voters in those two demographics, we just can’t see a path to victory for “Hide’n Biden.”

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“A new Hill-HarrisX poll showed 24% of Black voters approve of the job Trump is doing as president, up from the 15% approval rating he received in a survey conducted Aug. 8–11,” Black Enterprise reported Sept. 2.

Previous reporting noted that the president only scored about 8 percent of the black vote in 2016, so if 24 percent is accurate, Trump has managed to triple his support among that constituency. 


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.