Okay, we are living in a world that seems to have completely and utterly lost its mind. The level of absurdity infiltrating our culture when it comes to the topics of basic human biology is absolutely mind-blowing. How we could go this insane in such a short amount of time is not only hard to understand, it’s sort of amazing.

According to a report from TheBlaze, The Recount made a claim that Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio was “factually inaccurate” when he made the suggestion that biological men cannot get pregnant. Please stop this ride, sir. I’d like to get off now.

What’s really hilarious is that this website makes the claim that “Recount Media is a fresh approach to news that shows you what’s happening without insulting your intelligence.” The site then goes on to state, “No bulls***. No bad faith. And no time wasted.”

We must have a different definition of the term “bulls***,” because I’m positive that believing a biological human male can be pregnant is impossible, therefore any claims to the contrary are indeed the aforementioned expletive. That used to be something that was accepted by the vast majority of culture at one time. Then the left came along and destroyed common sense.

Here’s more from TheBlaze:

During remarks that appear to have taken place at the National Conservatism Conferencein Miami, Florida, Rubio noted the existence of the concept of “pregnant men,” but pointed out that everyone who has “ever been born was born of a biological woman.”

He went on to note that even the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention employs the phrase “pregnant people.” The Recount accused the lawmaker of committing “a transphobic attack on the CDC for using the term ‘pregnant people.'”

While it is an obvious and immutable fact that biological women can become pregnant while biological men cannot, those who promote the ludicrous dogmas of radical leftist gender ideology contend that a person who identifies as a man and becomes pregnant is a pregnant man.

What’s really wacky is there is a certain section of human society that has actually adopted the idea that a biological male can become pregnant. And what’s worse is this group of individuals wants us to play along with their delusions. In a recent WPA Intelligence poll of registered voters, 22 percent of Democrats stated that they believe the statement “Some men can get pregnant” to be true.

“Rubio has served in the U.S. Senate for more than a decade and is currently running for reelection in 2022 against Democratic Rep. Val Demings of Florida,” the report said.

“No man in history has ever been pregnant,” Ryan Saavedra of the Daily Wire stated in a tweet as a response to the Recount’s post’s utter insanity.

“It is factually accurate to say that a man has never been pregnant. I’m sorry biology is hurting your feelings,” said the founding editor-in-chief and editor emeritus of the Daily Wire Ben Shapiro.

I’m a firm believer future generations are going to totally make fun of anyone who believed in this stuff. And if I’m alive, I’ll join in.
