The stock market began to rebound in earnest last month after it became apparent the coronavirus wasn’t the planet-killing scourge the disgusting, dishonest ‘mainstream’ media made millions of people believe it was.

It got another boost – as did ordinary Americans whose retirement savings are wrapped up in 401(k) investment portfolios – in early June after the Trump administration reported that 2.5 million Americans had gone back to work as states began reopening.

On Tuesday, the market jumped again following news from the country’s top immunologist that a coronavirus vaccine is likely to hit the market by early 2021.

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Noted Yahoo! Finance

Stock extended gains Tuesday morning and the Nasdaq Composite hit a fresh record high as hopes for a coronavirus vaccine rose and U.S.-China trade fears dissipated.

French drugmaker Sanofi…said on Tuesday that it anticipates it will receive approval for its potential Covid-19 vaccine it is creating with GlaxoSmithKline in the first half of 2021, which if successful would then be available in the second half of next year. While there are currently no vaccines to prevent the coronavirus, a host of pharmaceutical companies have entered the race to try and develop medicines to prevent and treat the virus.

In addition, as Fox Business reported, the Nasdaq hit an all-time high after President Donald Trump walked back a statement from top economic adviser Peter Navarro that the trade deal with China was dead.

“The China Trade Deal is fully intact. Hopefully they will continue to live up to the terms of the Agreement!” the president wrote.

As to a potential COVID-19 vaccine, Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said this week that it’s not a matter of “when, and not if” one becomes available.

The Associated Press reported:


The government’s top infectious disease expert told a House committee on Tuesday he believes “it will be when and not if” there will be a COVID-19 vaccine and that he remains “cautiously optimistic” that some will be ready at the end of the year.

There have been some 2.5 million Americans who have contracted the disease – most, by far, experiencing no symptoms or very minor ones, with a small percentage of hospitalizations and deaths.

As for the number of those allegedly killed by COVID-19 – some 120,000 – that figure is in dispute because of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines issued in April that allow physicians to count anyone who has the disease and has died as a ‘coronavirus’ death.

That has led many to believe that coronavirus death rates are being inflated.

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In any event, the fact that the stock market continues to rise after the beating it (and personal retirement accounts) took as the coronavirus outbreak was just beginning to spread throughout the United States is extremely encouraging.

Furthermore, as state-by-state re-openings gather steam and millions more Americans go back to work, Wall Street should begin soaring once more as the unemployment rate tanks as companies bring back their workers while hiring new ones. 


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.