The Marxist wing of the Democrat Party made another substantial advance this week as a clone of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, a middle-school principal, knocked off a 16-term ‘old school’ Dem, Elliot Engel, from the youngster’s home city.

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The New York Times reported:

Jamaal Bowman has scored a stunning victory over Representative Eliot L. Engel of New York in a Democratic primary, defeating the 16-term incumbent and overcoming the efforts of the Democratic establishment in a profound show of progressive political power.

Mr. Bowman, a middle school principal from Yonkers, was declared the winner on Friday, after a count of absentee ballots verified what seemed clear on Primary Night, when he emerged with a commanding lead over Mr. Engel, the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

The victory came with the help of an array of stars from the Democratic Party’s left wing, including Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts.

As a first-time candidate with a fiery anti-establishment message, Mr. Bowman’s victory has echoes of Ms. Ocasio-Cortez’s own stunning win in 2018 over another entrenched incumbent in New York, Representative Joseph Crowley, then the No. 4 Democrat in the House.

Now, mind you, the Democrat Party has been trending to the Left for decades. It’s why the once-reliable ‘Southern Democrats’ are now reliable Republicans; the party left them and their conservative, faith-based, traditional America viewpoints, not the other way around. In fact, the term ‘Southern Democrat’ – along with ‘Blue Dog Democrat,’ which was another way of characterizing the same voters, is dead and gone too.

But this new breed of Democrat – the AOC/Ilhan Omar/Rashida Tlaib/Ayanna Pressley wing – is where the party’s headed, not the other way around.

The party of JFK and LBJ is gone. And it’s not coming back.

As for Engel, while liberal, he still represented the ‘establishment,’ having raised most of his superior campaign war chest from major donors, not ordinary voters giving small donations (Bowman got 44 percent of his campaign cash that way).

Interestingly, Bowman represents the kind of left-wing anti-establishmentarianism of the 1960s – the ‘true believer’ kind that ushered in the riots and the unrest and The Weathermen and Bill Ayers and all that other Marxist stuff that we’re seeing on the rise today.

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Translation: Being ‘a Democrat’ isn’t good enough anymore for the rising tide of Millennial Lefties. They want real revolutionary change, but not the kind our founders brought about. They want – or think they do – the kind of ‘revolution’ that Fidel Castro brought to that island paradise Cuba; that Vladimir Lenin brought to that bastion of liberty Russia; and that, in more recent times, Hugo Chavez brought to that wonderful South American success story Venezuela.

That’s what AOC and her ilk represent; and it’s what Bowman will bring with him to Congress when he wins this fall.

Regarding Bowman, here’s a little fun fact: The primary was held June 23, and we just found out he beat Engel, meaning it took weeks to count the mail-in votes (from one primary). The Dems want to inflict this on the entire nation; imagine the chaos if that happens.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.