Cities and communities across the country have been damaged and destroyed as some protests have turned into riots. And, countless people have been injured — and even killed — during these “protests.”

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White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany was asked about this on Monday and called on Democratic local leaders to “step up” and do something to curb the violence in their cities.

During an interview on Fox News’ “America’s Newsroom,” McEnany said President Donald Trump finds the violence “unacceptable” and asked where is the outrage for the victims, some of them just children.

“The president sees this as unacceptable. Look, the pain on that mother’s face — that was really hard to watch, to think that five children were killed this weekend doing everything every day things like going to the mall and in the car with their mother. This is happening across America, and it’s unacceptable. And what the president has done is his DOJ under his leadership has been aggressively looking at prosecutions,” Mcenancy began.

“More than that we’ve had federal protective services that have been in the states as a backup to local law enforcement. Ultimately, it’s the responsibility of state governors and mayors who have the police power to patrol their streets as ascribed in the Constitution, but the president has been doing everything on our part from the federal side to say this is unacceptable and it’s time for these Democrat mayors and governors to step up because no mother should have to experience the pain that I just saw on that mother’s face,” she added.

“Where is the outrage for these victims? And in fact, what you’re seeing is when you have this outspoken attitude against police, this defund of the police movement, $1 billion taken from the police department in New York, … you see a pulling back of law enforcement,” she said.

“We’ve seen those mass retirements in New York that ultimately leads to the kind of violence that we see in the streets. I mean, we saw in LA when there was an announcement about funding being pulled from LAPD, we saw an increase in homicides, it was over 100% increase,” she said.

McEnany concluded: “So, there are real consequences. We need outrage for these victims and for these horrid incidences of violence that we are seeing that should not be taking place in our streets.”


President Trump took to Twitter over the weekend to voice these same displeasures, writing that he has offered federal assistance and also called on local leaders to change their “ways” and “thinking.”

The protests and riots began in Minnesota after video emerged of a now-former Minneapolis police officer kneeling on George Floyd’s neck for more than eight minutes, leading to his apparent death.

Several have exploited Floyd’s death to riot, damage property, and inflict violence on others.

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