It’s becoming patently obvious that Democrats and their Left-wing media buds are all on the same page when it comes to efforts to reopen the U.S. economy as the coronavirus pandemic ebbs: They simply don’t want to see it.

Aside from the fact that they enjoy seeing average people suffer, they know that one of President Donald Trump’s strongest selling points to the American people ahead of the 2020 elections is the strength of the economy.

Or what was a strength. Of course, the economy’s been battered badly by coronavirus-related shutdowns all around the country and now 26-plus million Americans are jobless, while tens of thousands of businesses teeter on bankruptcy and permanent closure.

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The president has made no bones about reopening, however: In fact, he was talking about doing it ahead of the Easter holiday, but thought better of it as infection rates continued to climb.

Now, however, the outbreak is waning and more states are beginning to open up their economies, slowly and surely. That’s good.

Unless, of course, you’re a media schmuck who hates the Orange Man, the average American, and the fact that the economy is liable to come roaring back once it’s unleashed again.

As Red State noted, the establishment media is increasingly ganging up on the president’s health advisors and Dr. Deborah Birx in particular because she refuses to ‘stand up’ to Trump or something:

…[T]he attacks on Birx have escalated, hitting fever pitch over the weekend after Birx once again refused to play along with the mainstream media’s tiresome gotcha games in the middle of a pandemic.

Leading the way on Sunday were NBC News “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd and MSBNC anchor Andrea Mitchell, who both had very concerned looks on their faces as they fretted over Dr. Birx’s answers about Trump promoting the use of sunlight to kill the Wuhan coronavirus.

“[U]nfortunately, I think the credibility of the scientists really now is on the line. They have to decide whether to stay inside and be valuable or whether or not they have to see another alternative, like Jim Mattis, and quit, because when Dr. Birx said to you today that sunlight does kill the virus, she is perpetuating an unscientific, untested, single study presented by a nonscientist from the Department of Homeland Security, which led to the president, as she put it, not fully digesting the data,” Mitchell said. “She needed to be very clear on disavowing it, and to this point, she still has not been even this morning.”

She noted further that “we’re now seeing dangerous, toxic advice coming out of the White House,” yada, yada, yada.

Todd, the stooge, nodded approvingly, of course.

Do you know what these two are not? They’re not scientists.

As conservative talker and former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino notes — correctly — “Never forget that the same lib-media hacks telling you that you’re unqualified to offer an opinion on things because you’re not an ‘expert,’ have degrees in journalism, and they can’t even get the ‘journalism’ thing right. Their opinions are useless.”

They can actually be worse than useless — they can be dangerous.

Note Mitchell’s discounting of the “untested single study presented by a nonscientist from the Department of Homeland Security” comment. She’s talking about comments made during a coronavirus press conference last week from Bill Bryan, Under Secretary for Science and Technology at DHS.

He said that research done by his agency shows “that solar light appears to have on killing the virus, both surfaces and in the air. We’ve seen a similar effect with both temperature and humidity as well, where increasing the temperature and humidity or both is generally less favorable to the virus.”

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So, in other words, summer may be our best defense after all.

But to the resident scientific genius at MSNBC, Andrea Mitchell, this can’t be valid research because 1) it was presented by Bryan, a department head, and 2) it’s just one study.

She doesn’t know anything about this study — she’s seen no results, has not looked at any of the conclusions, and dismisses it because Bryan relayed the information, not a “scientist.”

Lost in all of that was the fact that the information Bryan relayed was both encouraging and useful; the public didn’t get that, though, because Mitchell and her ilk were instead focused on misattributing the president.

Meanwhile, she is dismissing Dr. Birx, who is a scientist and a physician, because she won’t tell Trump to go stuff it.

It should be noted that Bryan never said he was the one who conducted the research, only that his agency had done so. But because it’s a Trump agency at the moment, we’re not supposed to trust its conclusions.

It should be crystal clear by now that these people simply don’t want the economy reopened and they will pooh-pooh any information or data that would allow for it to take place in any capacity.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.