So, who is the daughter of the late ‘Republican’ Sen. John McCain going to vote for in November, you ask?

That’s a great question, because apparently the RINO doesn’t fall far from the tree.

McCain, who claims she’s been a Republican all her life (so did dad but he, um, didn’t always act like one — remember the “maverick” label the Left-wing media gave him when he would side with them?), told Andy Cohen during an episode this week of “Watch What Happens Live” that she has essentially made her mind up to cast a ballot for presumptive Dem nominee Joe Biden.

“So I just had a really long conversation with him a few days ago, like on Saturday, and I love him dearly, I keep telling everyone, I will promise you you will know who I’m voting for,” she said.

McCain has said it many times before — she loves the Biden family. And she was very appreciative of the former vice president after her father was diagnosed with the same form of brain cancer Biden’s son, Beau, died from.

“But it really shouldn’t take a rocket scientist to know there’s one man who has made pain in my life a living hell, and another man who has like literally shepherded me through the grief process, this really shouldn’t be rocket science for people,” she added.

So, there it is.

Losing a loved one, especially a parent you were particularly close to, is tragic. It’s happened to many of us. But let’s look at some basic facts in this instance.

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Joe Biden may have comforted Megan McCain, and vice versa, during their times of trouble and loss. And granted, she’s probably known him for most of her adult life, given her father’s chosen profession.

But the man’s politics are what should matter here — that, and his current state of mind.

He can’t speak clearly at times. He can’t remember basic things. He loses his place. He can’t recall memorable phrases. He gets testy with voters. Angry. Insolent — all of which are signs of mental deterioration and dementia.

And doesn’t Megan McCain remember the bruising campaign of 2008, when Biden was ripping into her dad, calling him an “angry man” who sought to take “the low road to the highest office in the land”? 

“I guess when you vote with George W. Bush 90 percent of the time, your best hope is to attack your opponent 100 percent of the time,” the then-Barack Obama running mate and eventual vice president said of John McCain.

That Biden? The one who questioned John McCain’s manhood when he rightfully accused Obama of “palling around with terrorists” like Bill Ayers? 

“In my neighborhood where I came from if you got something to say to a man, look him in the eye and say it,” Biden said in 2008.

McCain is supposed to be a Republican, and despite a person’s intentions or their ability to ‘comfort’ you in your hour of need, politics matters. And politically speaking, a Democrat president in this day and age would be a disaster for our country — especially when that president is being ‘run’ by others who have a distinct Marxist-Left agenda.

McCain is also very likely still angry at President Trump for questioning her father’s ‘war hero’ status after spending nearly six years in a Vietnamese prison camp, where he was very nearly tortured to death. Got it. It was a callous and stupid thing to say.

But look, like Trump’s demeanor or not, if you’re a Republican and a conservative, there is no way you can question his dedication to those principles. Trump, in many ways, is more conservative than Ronald Reagan, whom he met once.

And unfortunately, politics guides our country, like it or not.

So McCain can be ticked off at Trump all she wants, but voting for Biden is voting against her stated core principles.

But, like her RINO father the “maverick,” it’s easy to change your principles when you really didn’t have any to begin with.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.