Meghan McCain has officially had enough of Dr. Anthony Fauci, and she wants Biden to fire him.

The daughter of deceased Republican Senator John McCain made her plea to the former vice president during Monday’s edition of ABC’s “The View” where she is one of the co-hosts.

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McCain is outraged over the 80-year-old career bureaucrat’s constantly shifting stances on everything related to COVID, many of which then end up becoming policy despite Fauci’s inconsistencies and flip-flopping.

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Via Breitbart News, “Meghan McCain Calls on Biden to Remove Fauci — Get Someone Who ‘Does Understand Science’”:

Referencing Fauci’s appearance Sunday on CNN, McCain said, “Next week it’ll be a year since we left studio, and I have been very responsible in many different ways as so many Americans have been, and the fact that Dr. Fauci is going on CNN, and he can’t tell me that if I get the vaccine if I’ll be able to have dinner with my family or dinner with, you know, I don’t have any grandparents left, but, you know, older people, if I can go to dinner at friends’ houses who are older. It’s terribly inconsistent messaging, and it continues to be inconsistent messaging.”

She continued, “The idea that I can get vaccinated and I won’t be able to see friends and nothing in life changes, and we’re going to have to wear a mask forever — I don’t understand the downplaying of getting the vaccine because right now we should be wanting as many Americans as possible to get a vaccine.”

She added, “I’m over Dr. Fauci. I think we need to have more people giving more opinions, and honestly, quite frankly, I think the Biden administration should remove him and put someone else in place that maybe does understand science or can talk to other countries about how we can be more like these places who are doing this successfully.”

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Despite his gig as Biden’s top health adviser, Fauci has been much busier with pursuing opportunities for media face time than doing his actual job. This has lead to the Biden regime’s bungling of the COVID response and dragging out the return to normalcy that so many are desperately waiting for.

McCain’s criticism of Fauci did not go over well with some of his cult followers who took to Twitter to attack her, including former MSNBC host Keith Olbermann.

While McCain’s call for Fauci to be sacked will generate much backlash on anti-social media, the Biden administration would be blind by failing to see that he is a huge liability, and the longer that the mask mandates and lockdowns drag on, the more that they will be blamed now that Trump is no longer in charge.
