Podcast host Megyn Kelly delivered an epic, fire-breathing rebuke to the family of suspected Highland Park shooter, Robert “Bobby” Crimo III, saying that they need to be a “better parent” because “our society depends on you.”

According to the Daily Wire, Kelly ripped into the parents of Crimo during the Wednesday edition of “The Megyn Kelly Show,” podcast where she chatted with Chicago-based columnist John Kass concerning the tragedy that took place on the Fourth of July.

During the program, Kelly made the claim that our society is often reluctant to put a mass shooter’s family under the microscope, saying that maybe if we stopped that doing that, it would help to curb future massacres.

“Well, it got me thinking, maybe we’re putting, maybe we’re too reluctant to take a hard look at the families who produce these mass shooters,” the host went on to say during the show. “If your son is a sociopath, that’s one thing. You can’t therapize him out of it.”

“But if your son is somebody who was, a well child in terms of his brain chemistry,” she continued. “And got bullied or just didn’t fit in. And became reclusive and became obsessed with online sites like 4-Chan or whatever it is, and you, in this case, understood he was suicidal as recently as 2019.”

“And then you assist him in getting a firearm [as has been reported],” the former Fox News host added. “And the uncle, who I guess reportedly may have lived with them…He comes out and says ‘there were no signs’ that would make him. Bulls***! Be a better uncle. Be a better parent. Our society depends on you. Our free society can only do so much.”

Kelly then stated that society can “do more,” but “there are limits to our power.” She then pointed out that the family of Crimo needed to “pay attention.”

Kass responded to Kelly’s comments by stating that back when he was young, surrounded by Greek immigrants, there was what he called a “feature” from his home country called “shame.”

“Shame was the overriding cudgel when I grew up,” the columnist stated. “Shame was a real thing, and not only for Greeks but for everybody in this country. Like ‘what will the neighbors say’…I think that we’ve forgotten that.”

“That shame can inspire people to behave better and judgment is required,” he followed up.

Part of the problem with younger people today is that they are often left to create worlds of their own at school and on social media, completely unplugged from their parents, who, like it or not, are supposed to be the mechanism through which good values are passed along to future generations.

If kids are left on their own, they will find a different value system to adopt from the wide range of options that exist online, or just sort of hodgepodge one together from things they see or read.

Either way, the chances they will be influenced by evil, dangerous ideologies and possibly radicalized by them is significant without parents active in their lives to guide them down the correct path.
