Documentary filmmaker and noted left-wing hack Michael Moore regularly displays his side’s cognitive dissonance when it comes to making observations and providing commentary on the state of politics in America.

That’s because he, like the rest of the leftist elite he pals around with, lives in a self-imposed echo chamber where they are rarely, if ever, seriously challenged about their views.

Case in point: While President Donald Trump continues to draw tens of thousands of Americans to his rallies while Joe Biden and his former boss, Barack Obama, draw a couple hundred, along comes Moore claiming that “a majority” of Americans are on his side.

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That’s never been the case and it’s not the case now. But you just keep on talking (yourself into believing what you believe) Mike.

The Daily Wire notes:

Michael Moore believes that President Donald Trump’s ultra-patriotic pitch to Americans in swing states such as Michigan will fall on deaf ears because a majority of Americans do not share in the same pride.

During an appearance on MSNBC on Saturday, Moore was asked to share his thoughts on what issue matters the most to the people in a state like Michigan. Michiganders, and Americans overall, are simply “tired” of Trump, according to Moore.

“I think what’s at the top of the list is that people are tired. They’re really tired because they’re, first of all, fighting off a virus that has every intention of killing you if it can,” said Moore. “So that’s been scary enough for these last 10 months.”

“But I think that they’re tired of the behavior of Donald Trump. Who wants a president, regardless of what your politics are, that has 25,000 confirmed lies?” he continued. “Who wants that? How proud are we as Americans? There he is. he plays that song, ‘I’m proud to be an American,’ every time he takes the stage, and I don’t think the majority of Americans are proud at this moment.”

That ’25,000 lies’ comment no doubt comes from a ‘running tally’ kept by the Washington Post, which is hardly an unbiased outlet. And besides, the paper kept no similar tally when Barack Obama – who brazenly lied daily like that was his primary job – was in office.

As for Moore, he went on to claim that other nations “pity” ‘Merica because (wait for it) we don’t have (expensive, unworkable, ultimately untenable) “universal healthcare.”

“Do you realize the rest of the world — first, they laughed at us, and now they pity us? And they feel really, really bad that we have to suffer through this,” said Moore. “So, I think what’s going to happen this week, I hope, is that the American people have just seen and had enough with this. And there are serious issues we need to deal with — first the coronavirus, and secondly the economy, jobs.”

“How many millions lost their employer-based health insurance? You know that great employer-based health insurance? So much better to have that,” he continued. “As soon as 40 million people lost their jobs, 40 million people are cut right off from their health care, which should be a human right — not something connected to your job because if your job goes, that goes. You’re in deep trouble, especially if there’s a pandemic going on.”

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Fact check: ‘Donald Trump literally caused no American to lose his or her job.’

Verdict: True.

Why? Because the president never ordered a national coronavirus lockdown like those crafty Dems tried to get him to do (so they could factually blame him for the loss of jobs).

Nevertheless, these lunatics on the left are blaming the president for pandemic-related job losses anyway, even as Democrats continue to keep their citizens on lockdown to ‘bend the curve’ of the virus (remember that lie from March?).

‘A majority’ of Americans aren’t stupid, Mike.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.