Former first lady Michelle Obama took time out of her busy schedule admiring one of her two multimillion-dollar homes in Washington, D.C., and Martha’s Vineyard to circle back and give the country yet another tired, worn-out lecture about ‘race.’

Without ever revealing her sources or how she reached her conclusions, Obama said in a video to 2020 graduates that when Americans talk about ‘hard-working’ people being good, raising their families, paying their taxes, and trying to be overall contributors to their communities and society as a whole, we’re really just covering up that racism we ‘fail to admit.’

Variety reports:

“Over the past couple of months, our foundation has been shaken,” Obama said. “Not just by a pandemic that stole too many of our loved ones, upended our daily lives and sent tens of millions into unemployment. But also by the rumbling of the age-old fault lines that our country was built on. The lines of race and power that are now, once again, so nakedly exposed for all of us to grapple with.”

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Continuing, Obama said, “If any of you are scared, or confused, or angry, or just plain overwhelmed by it all, if you feel like you’re searching for a lifeline just to steady yourself, you are not alone. I am feeling all of that too. I think we all are.”

Then came the part about how discussions about ‘hardworking Americans’ are just a way to sidestep that ‘systemic racism’ that even two terms of a black president couldn’t erase, or something.

“What’s happening right now is the direct results of decades of unaddressed prejudice an inequality. The truth is, when it comes to all those tidy stories of hard work and self-determination that we like to tell ourselves about America, well, the reality is a lot more complicated than that.

Because for too many people in this country, no matter how hard they work, there are structural barriers working against them that just make the road longer and rockier,” she claimed. “And sometimes it’s almost impossible to move upward at all.” 

“Because what if you’re required to work during a pandemic, but don’t have enough protective equipment or health insurance from your employer, or paid sick leave? What is more essential: your work or your life? If you don’t feel safe driving your own car in your own neighborhood? Or going for a jog, or buying some candy at 7-11, or birdwatching? If you can’t even approach the police without fearing for your life, then how do you even begin to chart your own course?”

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Wow. Nice of this multimillionaire black woman who has ‘made it’ lecture you, plebe, on the false equivalency of having a job so you can make money or ‘live through a pandemic,’ when of course, the data – “the science,” if you will – is proving what a number of experts knew months ago: Shutting down was stupid and foolishly self-destructive.

Just once it would be nice to watch the Obamas be forced to answer how, in a country where ‘deep-seated racism’ is allegedly so pervasive, a black man gets elected president…twice. 

The only ‘barriers’ we see here are those preventing Americans from seeing their country as it really is: Fair, free, and, for the most part, equal. 

It’s dishonest for people like Michelle Obama to equate equal opportunity with equal outcomes; they are not the same things. 


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.