A Michigan court on Monday ruled that county prosecutors could indeed enforce a ban on abortion that has been in the books ever since 1931, exempting this particular group of prosecutors from a ruling that came down blocking state officials from enforcing the law.

Anytime you have a ruling like this in the states, it’s a huge win for the pro-life cause. Ever since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, the battle to protect the life and rights of pre-born Americans has gone to the state level, which is where it should have always been.

We’ve been seeing many victories in states all across the country where more and more lives are now being saved from the savage procedure of abortion. It’s critical the pro-life movement keeps the momentum going and taking the fight to the state level.

According to Newsmax, “The decision by the three-judge Court of Appeals panel marks a victory for anti-abortion county prosecutors in Michigan, who have sought to enforce the ban after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade case and enabled states to outlaw abortion.”

The law in Michigan, according to the Newsmax report, makes performing an abortion a felony, unless the procedure is to save the mother’s life.

That, by the way, is a very rare occurrence. Hardly ever is a mother’s life in danger during pregnancy in this day and age, thanks largely to modern medicine and safer medical procedures.

“In May, Michigan Court of Claims Judge Elizabeth Gleicher issued a temporary injunction blocking Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel and other state officials from enforcing the ban,” the report said.

On Monday, the Court of Appeals ruled that county prosecutors were not bound by Gleicher’s order.

“The core nature of a county prosecutor is that of a local, not a state official. Because county prosecutors are local officials, jurisdiction of the Court of Claims does not extend to them,” presiding Judge Stephen Borrello went on to write in the ruling.

David Kallmann, an attorney who represented Kent and Jackson County prosecutors Christopher Becker and Jerry Jarzynka, stated that they “very pleased” to hear about the ruling.

“Both prosecutors have abortion providers in their county, and Kallman said his clients would likely prosecute in cases where abortion providers appear to have violated the 1931 law by performing abortions outside a medical emergency,” Newsmax said.

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, a Democrat, who filed a lawsuit back in April in order to keep the 1931 anti-abortion law from taking effect, has more or less built her reelection campaign around the fight to preserve the “right” to murder pre-born children.

“As we review the Court of Appeals decision, know that I will continue to fight like hell to protect a woman’s ability to make her own medical decisions with her trusted health care provider,” Whitmer said in a post published on Twitter on Monday.

Whitmer, who is deeply worried that the GOP-controlled legislature in the state will try and take action to restrict abortion, is now pressing for the state’s Supreme Court to recognize the right to murder children in the womb under the state’s constitution.

It’s kind of strange how these folks are doing their best to try and justify murder as something that should be legal so long as the victim is a child still in his or her mother’s womb.

How do these people sleep at night?
