As fired Atlanta police officer Garrett Wolfe faces a bogus murder charge over the death of Rayshard Brooks, the drunk perp who fought him and stole a taser as he and his partner attempted to arrest the 27-year-old for DUI last week, now his stepmother appears to have been unfairly targeted by the company she used to work for.

As reported by PJ Media and others, Melissa Rolfe was released from her job as human resources director at Equity Prime Mortgage LLC in Atlanta for allegedly ‘violating company policies,’ though no one can determine just what policies they were.

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But as is generally the case Fox News’ Tucker Carlson has the scoop. And yeah, Melissa Rolfe was fired as a sacrifice to the ‘woke’ Leftist mob mentality now sweeping over our country and destroying one constitutional principle after another.

“Apparently, she was fired and her only crime was being officer Rolfe’s stepmother,” Carlson said Thursday, noting that the incident is “a coda which really tells you everything about what’s happening to our country right now, how it has gone with amazing quickness from one of the most tolerant places, places of goodwill on the planet to something very different and very, very fast.”

Noting that a “source familiar with the matter” told his program that Melissa had been told her job was secure, it turned out not to be the case.

“Rolfe was promised that her job was safe, but today she was told, and we’re quoting, ‘We have to terminate our relationship with you.’ No other explanation was offered,” he said.

“And honestly no other explanation was needed –it’s obvious what happened,” he continued, noting that Rolfe has “already been scrubbed from the company’s web site, wiped away as the Bolsheviks did with those that lost favor with Joseph Stalin.”

How does this happen to an otherwise exemplary employee? The Washington Examiner managed to locate Melissa’s company bio: 

Melissa was born and raised in Cobb County, Ga. She is married with three grown sons and one grandson. She is honored to be your Human Resource Director and hopes to put over 20 years of experience into furthering the EPM way. She will be using her degrees in Human Resource Management and Business Management to partner with team members to make them feel appreciated, respected and heard. Her belief is that staff is the greatest asset at EPM and they need a healthy, happy, fun work environment that promotes personal and professional development.

The company released a statement after letting her go that has ‘cowardice’ written all over it.

“As an employer, it is imperative to maintain a safe environment for all employees. Melissa Rolfe’s termination was a direct result of her actions in the workplace and violation of company policy,” the firm claimed.

“While working with Melissa as she transitioned to a leave of absence granted by our organization, we discovered she violated company policy and created an uncomfortable working environment for many of our employees. As an HR director, she ultimately lost the confidence of her peers, leadership, and many employees who no longer felt comfortable engaging with her,” the cowardly statement continued, claiming a “hostile” environment.

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“We value diversity of thought and respect Melissa’s personal views and the views of all employees; however, when those views create a hostile working environment, we must make difficult decisions,” it continued.

What garbage. The ‘difficult decision’ would have been to stick by a loyal employee who did good work for you, not throw her to the outrage mobs whose objective is destruction of our country.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.