Two preschool teachers in Roswell, Georgia have been arrested and charged with cruelty to children after the mother of one of the students discovered the teachers abusing other kids on live video.

This is absolutely disgusting behavior. Both of these teachers need to be schooled on what justice looks like, a lesson that should come with a heaping helping of punishment, and I don’t mean cleaning erasers after class.

According to a report from local news outlet WXIA-TV, Gloria Barghi picked up her phone last week to check on her son using the live video feed set up inside the Parker-Chase preschool classroom. What she saw was horrifying.

“I just told my husband, I said, ‘I’ve got a weird feeling; I’ve got to check on our son,'” Barghi said as she recalled the incident to the station. “Call it mother’s intuition. I said, ‘I just want to see if he’s okay.’ So I picked up the phone, I pulled up the app. I picked it up right when the lead teacher was assaulting the first victim.”

The local news outlet reported that the video shows students, who are between the ages of two and three, sitting on a rug when a teacher approaches one of them, kneels down, getting right up in the child’s face.

That’s a pretty aggressive posture to take with a toddler, don’t you think?

“A second teacher then walks up from behind, steps on another child’s hand, then uses her knee to shove the back of the student who’s face to face with the first teacher,” TheBlaze reported.

The first teacher then taps the forehead of the first child with her index finger.

“WXIA said Barghi and her husband, Brant Duncan, raced to the preschool, checked on their son, demanded to see the entire video of what they’d just seen live, and then viewed it,” TheBlaze report continued.

“It was intentional. It was thought out. It was malicious,” Barghi went on to tell the station. “These are defenseless little kids.”

What’s really shocking is that when the parents went to the administrators of the school, they didn’t seem to believe their story.

“It almost came across as defensive, not believing that it really happened. They had no policies in place; there was no if-this-happens-these-are-the-procedures-we-go-by, to the point that I had to demand that the teachers be removed from the classroom,” Duncan said during the interview with the station. “And we would not leave until they were removed. The director looked at me and even questioned, ‘So you want me to remove them?’ And I said, ‘You better believe it. Remove them now.'”

The parents also called the police. Detectives viewed the video and later arrested Zeina Alostwani,40, and Soriana Briceno, 19, and charged the pair of miscreants with cruelty to children in the first degree, according to the report from WSB-TV.

Records from Fulton County Jail reveal that Alostwani was released Wednesday after she presumably paid off her whopping $75,000 bond, while Briceno was still stuck in jail, which is where both of these monsters should reside for their rest of their lives.

People who hurt children deserve no less. In reality, they deserve much, much more.

Since the arrest of the two women, there have been several other victims at the school come forward, prompting police to look at launching a potentially larger investigation.

“So we have several weeks of video to go back and review to make sure there are no other instances of this kind of behavior,” a Roswell police representative said.

The parent company for the preschool responded to the incident by saying the teachers were fired and went on to say the two women carried out “inappropriate disciplinary actions.”

You don’t say?

“While we are extremely grateful that the children are well, we take this matter seriously, and our investigation is ongoing,” officials went on to say, according to TheBlaze report. “We expect our staff to adhere to the highest standards of care, and any failure to do so will not be tolerated.”

