If you thought that Democratic governors in California were politically safe no matter what they did, you may have to rethink that in the age of COVID-19.

Like many other California Democrats including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and San Fran Mayr London Breed, Gov. Gavin Newsom’s hypocrisy has led to disenchantment with his ‘leadership.’ You see, it’s hard to be a business owner who is shut down because of the novel coronavirus and then watch a pampered, elitist Democrat violate his own COVID mandates in order to dine out at a fancy restaurant, or allow his winery to remain open while closing down most of the competition.

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As such, a budding recall effort has since blossomed into a full-blown threat to Newsom, and what’s more, the initiative just got a massive infusion of cash.

The Epoch Times reports:

The campaign received a $500,000 donation from Prov 3:9, a little-known Irvine-based consulting firm, and roughly $100,000 from billionaire Sequoia Capital partner Douglas Leone and his wife, Patricia, according to a recent contribution report.

According to the report—filed by political action committee Rescue California on Dec. 29—the effort to recall the governor received $1,139,082 in contributions between Dec. 17 and Dec. 24.

Annie Hyde, Rescue California’s campaign manager and finance director, told The Epoch Times that the recall effort began with the state’s lockdown mandates, but really started to gain momentum after the governor was widely criticized for dining as part of a group at the high-end indoor “French Laundry” restaurant in November after telling Californians to stay home.

“What started it was the random closures, and then the real capper and sort of the national attention-getting element was the French Laundry,” Hyde said. “You don’t want to see that kind of bad judgment in an executive.”

What Newsom did wasn’t “bad judgment,” it was rank arrogance along with a healthy side of “do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do-ism” in a state where Democrats have super-majorities thanks to years of changing the rules so they favor one-party governance.

The recall effort needs 1.5 million signatures by March; Rescue California wants 2 million, however, to allow for errors.

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“We just sent out a million and a half letters to registered Republicans, and we’ve started getting our returns,” Hyde said. “I expect that we will get to 2 million signatures sooner rather than later, and we are pretty excited about that.”

When Newsom isn’t violating his own coronavirus restrictions, he and his Democrat super-majority legislature have been busy driving up the cost of living and doing business in the state, thus driving hundreds of thousands of residents out.

What a ‘success story.’ For many Californians, the recall can’t happen quickly enough.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.