As the migrant influx along the U.S.-Mexico border grew beyond crisis proportions last month and into March, Republicans regularly sounded the alarm bell that Joe Biden’s reversal of President Trump’s tough enforcement policies would lead to the situation getting out of control.

It has, of course, though the Biden administration still won’t really admit it.

But what’s changed is that now even Democrats are sounding the alarm, especially those who represent border states and border regions.

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The Daily Caller notes:

The Biden administration and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas have refused to say there is a crisis at the border, despite a surge in illegal immigrants trying to enter the U.S. Border agents encountered over 9,000 unaccompanied minors in February, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) acting commissioner Troy Miller announced Wednesday.

Texas Democratic Rep. Vicente Gonzalez was critical of Biden’s immigration policy in early March and said there needs to be a better plan in place.

“My concern in the recent weeks, in my district, [is] migrants who made it across the border, who even passed the line of MPPs — who were 5,000 folks that have been waiting for two years across the border. [They] made it across the Rio Grande Valley, were processed and released,” Gonzalez told CNN this week.

“I can assure you, it won’t be long before we have tens of thousands of people showing up to our border, and it’ll be catastrophic for our country, for my region, for my district,” Gonzalez noted further. “In the middle of a pandemic, in an area where we’ve lost over 3,000 people in my small congressional district … I think we need to have a better plan in place.”

Meanwhile, Democratic Texas Rep. Henry Cuellar has also railed against the influx, including the Biden administration’s failure to not only be honest about what’s going on but also failing to assuage his concerns and those of the Texans he represents.

“Yeah, look, we can play with words, is it a challenge or is it a crisis,” Cuellar said on Fox News. “Let’s look at the numbers. Since August of last year, the numbers have been increasing. And especially October, November, and December we were hitting 70,000. In January we had 78,000. And this is, again, under the Trump administration, now moving into the Biden administration.

“I don’t care what we call it, but I can tell you this — those numbers of people being released, they’re purposefully withholding that information. They’ve been told not to withhold that information. I now know that they’re bringing people from McAllen over to Laredo, processing them in Laredo, and they’re going to release them in my community,” Cuellar noted further.

And Texas Democratic state Sen. Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa, who lives along the border with Mexico, said in an interview with The Hill he doesn’t think the Biden regime was prepared for the influx.

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“It’s gotten worse,” Hinojosa said. “I don’t think, quite frankly, the Biden administration was aware of what’s happening on the ground here, which you can understand because they’re just coming in and trying to get people up to speed with what’s happening, but I don’t think they were aware there were that many coming across. The Border Patrol is overwhelmed, they’re throwing their hands up because they don’t know what to do.”

These and other Democrats are getting more exasperated with Biden’s border policies, which are essentially open-border policies. And for the record, we think his handlers knew exactly what they were doing when they had him sign executive orders undoing Trump’s tough enforcement measures.

Now to make them all Democrat-voting citizens…


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.