If you really want to know what it’s like to truly be on your own in an emergency, just take a peek at what’s happening in Portland.

Portions of the Oregon city have literally been under siege for months, thanks to nonstop rioting by Antifa thugs and other Marxist ‘revolutionaries’ who have been enabled by Democrat ‘leaders’ like Mayor Ted Wheeler and District Attorney Mike Schmidt.

The former repeatedly ignored President Trump’s offers of assistance to quell the rioting then blamed the president for them. The latter has announced publicly he won’t be prosecuting rioters arrested by police for rioting.

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Speaking of police, they appear to have their hands full trying to battle mostly white Antifa thugs who are threatening to kill them and burn down their precinct buildings. In fact, Portland cops are so busy dealing with terrorists they don’t have much time for other emergencies.

Fox News reports:

More than 60 emergency calls to police went unheeded overnight in Portland as officers were preoccupied with hundreds of demonstrators downtown and were pelted by rocks.

On the 80th consecutive night of protests, the Portland Police Bureau declared a riot around midnight Sunday after a crowd of hundreds had blocked traffic for three hours by the Penumbra Kelly Building in the 4700 block of East Burnside Street, trespassed on the closed property and engaged in “violent, tumultuous conduct.”

The targeted building is owned by the city and is used by city and county employees, including the Police Bureau.

“At the time of this release over 60 calls for police service were holding around the city,” the Police Bureau said in a statement. “Some had been holding for the length of the events described here. Call types ranged from theft, vandalism, suspicious activity, hazards, hit and run, burglary, violation of restraining order, alarms, stolen cars, harassment and many others.”

Two cops were injured badly enough they had to be taken to area hospitals. Thugs threw softball-sized rocks at them, bottles, frozen eggs, and other objects — while shining blinding lasers at them as well, a violation of Oregon state law.

One of the anarchists who wore a patch that said “press” heaved a 9.5-lb rock at an officer as he “prepared to ride away on a truck.”

Now, these aren’t ‘peaceful protests,’ but then they haven’t been for months. And though arrests were made, according to Fox News, Schmidt seems to have already decided he’s not going to do much about it.

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But hey, this is Portland’s problem – right? After all, most of the people who live there must not be too worried about all of this mayhem directed at their police officers, right? Otherwise wouldn’t they be out in superior numbers sweeping the Antifa garbage off their streets?

Yes…and no.

The Antifa movement is nationwide. It coincides with the Marxist Black Lives Matter movement, and both groups’ objective is the same: The violent overthrow of our current system of government. 

If that happens, then there won’t be any police around to answer anyone’s calls, anywhere.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.