Without a doubt, throughout his nearly 50-year career in Washington, Joe Biden has embraced a ‘globalist’ foreign policy. 

Like most deep state political, military, and foreign policy elite in D.C., the more America can project itself onto the world stage, the better. To Biden and those who think like he does, it doesn’t matter if injecting America into a scrap or a situation is good for America; it needs to happen anyway because there’s a huge military-industrial complex to feed, and it is always hungry.

Probably for that reason more than any other is why the Washington establishment detests President Donald Trump like no other before him in modern history – with the notable exception of John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert Kennedy.

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Trump is literally the anti-globalist, in terms of foreign policy; his focus globally is making better trade and economic deals for the American people, not getting as many of our sons and daughters in harm’s way without any clear winning strategy.

Mind you, the president is all about a strong military – as he’s promised and delivered – because strong militaries actually prevent war (this was Reagan’s doctrine, too). But staying in places like Iraq and Afghanistan for two decades is just stupid – and he knows that. 

That said, there has been no shortage of former generals and other national security officials stepping up to back Biden in November. They all share the same interventionalist mindset. 

But there are national security officials past and present who appreciate the breath of fresh air Trump represents in terms of ending endless deployments – and they are now out in support of him.

“We are former national security and senior officials who served under the administrations of Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, and/or Donald Trump, or as Republican Members of Congress or Senior Congressional Staff members,” a letter from a group of more than 60 national security officials reads. “We proudly endorse the re-election of Donald J. Trump.”

Their principle reasoning for the endorsement, according to the letter, is that “President Trump has brought a badly needed realism to American national security policy that puts the prosperity and security of the American people first.”

“President Trump has pursued a strong foreign and national security policy in America’s national interests,” it continues. 

The letter also praises “him for imposing hard sanctions on North Korea, China, Iran, and Russia, for persuading NATO allies to meet their defense spending obligations, and for creating the new U.S. Space Force military branch in deterring China and Russia’s own aerospace advancements,” Sara A Carter reports.

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The outlet notes further:

Throughout the 2020 election, numerous officials from former Republican administrations as well as military and intelligence officials have openly criticized Trump’s foreign policy manner and alleged disparaging statements he has made about U.S. soldiers, having reportedly called them “losers” and “suckers.” Trump, however, denies making such statements. Many of these people have endorsed Trump’s challenger, former Vice President Joe Biden, for president instead of him and have even created anti-Trump political PACs and organizations.

This joint endorsement of the president represents a significant shift away from this trend.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.