Despite the fact that the unmasking of former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn has been clearly revealed in once-Top Secret documents declassified by the Trump administration and released by Republican senators, one host at MSNBC still thinks it’s all just a “made-up” scandal.

In introducing a segment about the unmasking on her show Thursday, Stephanie Ruhle stuck to the Left-wing media/Democrat playbook and chastised the Trump administration for remaining “laser-focused” on the broad “Obamagate” Russia collusion hoax while Americans are dying from coronavirus — that China started — and while millions of people are out of work — from coronavirus shutdown orders, none of which were issued by President Trump.

“This morning, more than 86,000 Americans have died from coronavirus. More than 30 million have lost their jobs in the last eight weeks,” she said. “But the president and his allies are laser-focused on a different story. One they completely made up. Something that they now are calling ‘Obamagate.’ It means nothing.”

[Click here to view the video]

Also Thursday, “Deadline: White House” host Nicolle Wallace used nearly identical language, ranting that the scandal was a “fantasy,” like “the political version of the Tooth Fairy” or Santa Claus. So clearly, the talking points on this have been distributed.

Anyway, Ruhle then brought on some customary guests to agree with her wholeheartedly, including NBC News national security correspondent Ken Dilanian who actually admitted that Americans are “unmasked all the time,” so naturally, the Flynn unmasking can’t be wrong. To assume so is “absurd.”

While claiming she didn’t “want to give one breath to this,” Ruhle added that she did because “the truth matters, and right now millions of Americans aren’t hearing it.”

After playing various clips played of Fox anchors reporting on the scandal, including Tucker Carlson noting “we learned a lot more about the corruption that spawned the Russia hoax that consumed three years of this country’s time,” Ruhle mocked: “No, we didn’t.”

Then, NBC senior media reporter Dylan Byers jumped on the bandwagon.

“And I laugh because the coverage you just showed from Fox is so absurd, but it’s actually no laughing matter because so many members of that Fox News audience are actually believing what they see….which pretty much toes the line on anything the president says, is obviously to distract from what has been a very poor response to the coronavirus pandemic and to try as best they can to make Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee, look bad,” he said.

No one has to make Biden look bad; he tends to do that all by himself.

But in terms of the Flynn case being a major Obama scandal that likely involved violations of the law, the evidence — “the truth,” as Ruhle insists upon — is in abundance.

First off, it wasn’t Fox News that broke the story; it was actually a Fox News alumnus, Catherine Herridge, who now applies her considerable investigative reporting prowess at CBS News — not exactly a bastion of Trump love.

And she cited (and presented) actual black-and-white declassified intelligence documents containing names — Comey, Biden, Clapper, Brennan — that no one has disputed as disingenuous or phony.

Plus, it’s not the ‘unmasking,’ per se, that is the scandal, but rather what happened afterward. For instance, while unmasking may be common (too common, actually), leaking the identity of that unmasked individual to the media is not legal. Not in the least.

As for ‘laser-focusing’ on this scandal, in fact, the Trump administration has is multi-talented and can handle many things at once including working on a vaccine for coronavirus.

The fact that no one on the air at Left-wing Democrat propaganda networks like MSNBC would know what the truth looked like if it smacked them in the face is telling in and of itself. But it also helps explain why their ratings have tanked.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.