Former RINO congressman-turned-MSNBC hack has nothing to show for his political and media career except a raging case of Trump Derangement Syndrome that appears terminal.

He has a morning political television show, but few people watch it. That’s partly because it’s on a little-watched network.

But it’s also partly because Americans, even those who aren’t particularly fans of President Donald Trump, get sick and tired of listening to the non-stop inane pabulum and ridicule coming out of the mouth of a hack who wasn’t politically successful and can’t seem to make much of an impact in the world of journalism.

So it’s the same, tired, thing from “The Morning Schmoe,” as successful conservative media guy and constitutional expert Mark Levin calls him: Trump hate, and hatred for the legions of Americans who support him.

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During his little-watched program Wednesday, the Schmoe was discussing a recent poll showing that most of the president’s supporters agree that we should be reopening businesses and schools around the country, as well as relaunching sporting events because, as it turns out, coronavirus isn’t the planet killer lunatics like Scarborough have claimed it to be.

Well, to the Schmoe, those of us who support such rationality are nothing more than “Trumpists.” We’re “not conservatives” we’re “idiots” for opposing perpetual stay-at-home orders, presumably until the very last case of coronavirus is done.

“Even though I’m saying reopen the parks, let people walk on beaches, reopen public spaces, let people socially distance safely, let’s start figuring out a way to move towards reopening the economy, but reopening schools — 85 percent of Americans think this is a bad idea,” he claimed without offering any evidence.

“And yet, you have Donald Trump going out suggesting that schools reopen this year. You have the attorney general of the United States of America at the same time Donald Trump puts out guidelines that he’s now — he’s already forgotten the guidelines that he put out. So, these conservatives — not conservatives, they’re idiots,” he continued, speaking to almost no one.

Watch below:

“These Trumpists who think that they’re finding a way forward politically by attacking stay-at-home orders, they’re the 10 percent. They’re the 15 percent. They’re in the minority. If they think this is how they’re going to build the future of the Republican Party after Trump loses this fall, they are badly mistaken.” he added.

Well, first and foremost, in terms of the president’s chances this fall, count the Schmoe as one of the many media idiots who thought Trump didn’t have a chance again Hillary Clinton in 2016.

And do you know what Scarborough isn’t? A virus expert. He’s a journalist, and barely that.

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Also, Scarborough is just talking out of his backside; he has no data whatsoever for any of the nonsense he’s spewing. The fact is, more Americans are getting fed up with being locked down, as evidenced by the rising number of protests.

And the frustration’s only going to grow, especially after a wave of new data indicating that the lockdowns are counterproductive because they are depriving us of the herd immunity we’ll need to prevent future COVID-19 outbreaks.

Joe Scarborough wasn’t a very good ‘Republican’ lawmaker. He’s an even worse ‘journalist.’

He belongs at MSNBC where virtually no one sees him.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.