On Wednesday night, White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany got deeply personal as she told the story about her diagnosis with the BRCAII genetic mutation – which put her chances of breast cancer at 84 percent. This prompted her to get a preventative double mastectomy in 2018.

“It was days before Christmas, and I was 21 years old when I got a call that changed my life,” she began.

“In my family, eight women were diagnosed with breast cancer — several in their 20s,” she said. “I now faced the same prospect.”

McEnany went on to recall her routine cancer screenings at hospitals for “necessary surveillance.”

Watch her entire speech here:

“During these visits, I crossed paths with brave women, battling cancer and fighting through chemotherapy. They were a testament to American strength. They are American heroes,” she said.

“I was scared. The night before I fought back tears, as I prepared to lose a piece of myself,” she said. “But the next day, with my mom, dad, husband, and Jesus Christ by my side, I underwent a mastectomy, almost eliminating my chance of breast cancer — a decision I now celebrate.”

“I developed a strength and a confidence that I carry with me”.

She added: “During one of my most difficult times, I expected to have the support of my family, but I had more support than I knew.”

McEnany said that one of the first calls she received was from Ivanka Trump.

“Days later, as I recovered, my phone rang. It was President Trump, calling to check on me,” McEnany said. “I was blown away. Here was the leader of the free world caring about me.”

She added: “Though I didn’t personally know the president at the time, I know him well now and I can tell you that this president loves the American people, stands by Americans with preexisting conditions and supports working moms.”

“When I started working for President Trump, my husband and I became pregnant with our first child, I would see President Trump at rallies. He would routinely ask me how my baby was doing,” she said. “The same way President Trump has supported me, he supports you.”

She added: “I see it every day.”

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"The Coca Cola company is not happy with me -- that's okay, I'll still keep drinking that garbage" -Donald J. Trump