It looks like New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is the latest Democrat to ignore the science of coronavirus, as he appears to have made the ruling that no children will be permitted to return to school this fall.

Instead, de Blasio has rolled out a plan to care for 100,000-plus school-aged kids in mass community “childcare centers” instead.

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According to NY1’s Gloria Pazmino, “The @NYCMayor is announcing a plan to provide child care for 100K NYC children in the fall. It will use community centers and organizations, libraries and other space to set up care. The number of spots he says could increase in the fall.”

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NY1 adds:

New York City will provide childcare to 100,000 New York City kids this fall as the Department of Education, in an attempt to protect students from novel coronavirus, offers in-school learning just two or three days a week. 

Mayor Bill de Blasio announced Thursday a public childcare program that will see kids supervised in public and private locations across the five boroughs. 

“So many parents have said we can’t make it work if we don’t have more childcare,” de Blasio said. “There is so much we need to do, and we have to do it the right way.” 

Bill de Blasio wouldn’t know how to do anything ‘the right way’ if he was given the answers by geniuses.

His handling of the coronavirus pandemic has been abysmal, and the only New York figure who has done worse is Gov. Andrew Cuomo; both of these ‘leaders’ are likely directly responsible for the deaths of thousands of eldercare residents who contracted coronavirus and died after they ordered COVID-19 patients into nursing homes.

In any event, a couple of things glaringly present themselves.

First off, what sense does it make to hold in-person classes for just 2-3 days per week? If you’re going to open your schools, open them. All the way. Five days per week. Don’t make parents have to jump through hoops to remember when and where their kids will have to be on any given weekday morning.

Plus, chances are good that despite de Blasio’s ‘best efforts,’ these “childcare centers” he wants to set up will be chronically overcrowded, leaving New York families underserved.

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And then, of course, comes the most obvious issue: If you’re going to limit the time a child goes to school ‘due to coronavirus,’ what kind of sense does it make to herd a hundred thousand kids into various childcare centers?

Aren’t they literally running the same risks of becoming infected? Because you just know there won’t be any real ‘social distancing’ at these centers.

The fact is, countries in Europe have already figured out that kids aren’t super spreaders, so they have reopened their schools. But in America, where Democratic Marxists are making everything political to advance an agenda, it’s still ‘too dangerous’ to send kids back to school.

Better to warehouse them in ‘childcare centers’ like cattle.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.