Like the true hypocrite he is, Barack Hussein Obama just flew on a private jet to slam his successor during the UN Climate Summit in Glasgow, Scotland. On Monday, Obama accused the Trump administration of “four years of active hostility towards climate science.”

During his speech at “COP26”, Obama lambasted former President Donald Trump for pulling the US out of the 2016 Paris Agreement, saying the move “stalled” America’s progress on climate change.

“Of course some of our progress stalled when my successor decided to unilaterally pull out of the Paris agreement in his first year in office. I wasn’t real happy about that,”


He made a push to scare young people into action saying, “Vote like your life depends on it, because it does.”

During his last few months in office, Obama described climate change as a “dire” threat. However, he has been accused by many of having a lack of environmental consciousness.

In 2015, climate activist and former VP Al Gore slammed Obama over plans by Royal Dutch Shell to drill for oil in the Arctic Ocean, calling it “insane.”

“I think that countries around the world would be very well advised to put restrictions on drilling for oil in the Arctic Ocean,” Gore said at the time, adding that he believed such exploration in the region should be banned.

In December 2019, the Obamas bought an oceanfront Martha’s Vineyard mansion for $11.75 million. A strange decision if Barack really believes the sea levels are rising because of climate change.

Having said that, this speech on Monday is just another do as I say, not as I do moment for Barack Hussein Obama.

Fortunately, as Obama said about himself, he is not as popular as he used to be and I suspect his fall from relevance will continue to increase over time.

Although we don’t know much about former President Barack Hussein Obama’s prior to him entering politics, one thing we know for sure is that he is a narcissist.

The dictionary defines a narcissist as:

“Having a sense of entitlement and require constant, excessive admiration. Expect to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it. Exaggerate achievements and talents. Be preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate.”

Do you agree that Barry fits the bill?

Eric Thompson is a syndicated political writer and Christian podcaster.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.