Once upon a time, any pundit, government official, or elected leader suggesting that a president would not leave office if he was defeated at the polls would have either been laughed out of Congress, out of a job, or off the air.

But we don’t live in normal times, as is apparent by the proliferation of a tinfoil hat conspiracy that President Donald Trump will refuse to leave office if he loses, somehow, to Joe Biden in a few months.

Now, first a little caveat: The president has made it clear he is not a fan of universal mail-in balloting because he, like every analyst who’s looked at the issue in the past, is rightfully concerned about the potential for widespread vote fraud.

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Many people point to a bipartisan study done by former President Jimmy Carter and former GOP Secretary of State James Baker. In 2005, they concluded: “Absentee ballots remain the largest source of potential voter fraud.”

Of course, Carter is a good Democrat so he has since reversed his position (just a few months ago as his party ramped up its call for more mail-in balloting – go figure).

And the president has said he will take a ‘wait-and-see’ approach to election results because already there have been major problems with mail-in ballots during the primary season. Even the reliably Left-wing New York Times has sounded the alarm and based on a primary in that city that took officials more than six weeks to sort out.

But Trump has never said if he lost fair and square he would not relinquish the office. And yet, Democrats and their anti-Trump buddies – like jilted National Security Adviser John Bolton – keep spewing the BS.

IJR reports:

Former National Security Advisor John Bolton is suggesting it is not out of the question for President Donald Trump to avoid the peaceful transfer of power if he loses the upcoming presidential election.

During a talk hosted by the National Press Club, Bolton told host Michael Freedman it is going to take Republican leadership to make sure Trump does not extend his stay.

“He may attempt anything. Look, under Trump, there are no rules except what benefits Donald Trump. I think this is nonetheless not a moment to get apocalyptic before we have more evidence,” Bolton said.

“That’s why I was so disturbed by his comment yesterday as reported by the press because I think that to try to say in advance, ‘the only fair outcome is when I win’ is something that we should pause over. This is going to call for some leadership by Republicans,” he added.

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Oh, brother. The man who would invade every country on the earth now says Trump’s the egomaniacal tyrant. 

There are a couple of things that are true here: 1) the president is absolutely right to be concerned about widespread vote fraud due to increased mail-in balloting, if for no other reason than because voter registration rolls all over the country are historically out of date; and 2) there is no indication whatsoever that the president, satisfied he didn’t get railroaded, won’t go peaceably.

Anyone suggesting otherwise should be ignored because they’re not serious people.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.